import Foundation import LocalAuthentication enum PluginError:Int { case BIOMETRIC_UNKNOWN_ERROR = -100 case BIOMETRIC_UNAVAILABLE = -101 case BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = -102 case BIOMETRIC_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED = -105 case BIOMETRIC_NOT_ENROLLED = -106 case BIOMETRIC_DISMISSED = -108 case BIOMETRIC_SCREEN_GUARD_UNSECURED = -110 case BIOMETRIC_LOCKED_OUT = -111 case BIOMETRIC_SECRET_NOT_FOUND = -113 } @objc(Fingerprint) class Fingerprint : CDVPlugin { struct ErrorCodes { var code: Int } @objc(isAvailable:) func isAvailable(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand){ let authenticationContext = LAContext(); var biometryType = "finger"; var errorResponse: [AnyHashable: Any] = [ "code": 0, "message": "Not Available" ]; var error:NSError?; let params = command.argument(at: 0) as? [AnyHashable: Any] ?? [:] let allowBackup = params["allowBackup"] as? Bool ?? false let policy:LAPolicy = allowBackup ? .deviceOwnerAuthentication : .deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics; var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: "Not available"); let available = authenticationContext.canEvaluatePolicy(policy, error: &error); var results: [String : Any] if(error != nil){ biometryType = "none"; errorResponse["code"] = error?.code; errorResponse["message"] = error?.localizedDescription; } if (available == true) { if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { switch(authenticationContext.biometryType) { case .none: biometryType = "none"; case .touchID: biometryType = "finger"; case .faceID: biometryType = "face" @unknown default: errorResponse["message"] = "Unkown biometry type" } } pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: biometryType); }else{ var code: Int; switch(error!._code) { case Int(kLAErrorBiometryNotAvailable): code = PluginError.BIOMETRIC_UNAVAILABLE.rawValue; break; case Int(kLAErrorBiometryNotEnrolled): code = PluginError.BIOMETRIC_NOT_ENROLLED.rawValue; break; default: code = PluginError.BIOMETRIC_UNKNOWN_ERROR.rawValue; break; } results = ["code": code, "message": error!.localizedDescription]; pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: results); } commandDelegate.send(pluginResult, callbackId:command.callbackId); } func justAuthenticate(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) { let authenticationContext = LAContext(); let errorResponse: [AnyHashable: Any] = [ "message": "Something went wrong" ]; var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: errorResponse); var reason = "Authentication"; var policy:LAPolicy = .deviceOwnerAuthentication; let data = command.arguments[0] as? [String: Any]; if let disableBackup = data?["disableBackup"] as! Bool? { if disableBackup { authenticationContext.localizedFallbackTitle = ""; policy = .deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics; } else { if let fallbackButtonTitle = data?["fallbackButtonTitle"] as! String? { authenticationContext.localizedFallbackTitle = fallbackButtonTitle; }else{ authenticationContext.localizedFallbackTitle = "Use Pin"; } } } // Localized reason if let description = data?["description"] as! String? { reason = description; } authenticationContext.evaluatePolicy( policy, localizedReason: reason, reply: { [unowned self] (success, error) -> Void in if( success ) { pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "Success"); }else { if (error != nil) { var errorCodes = [Int: ErrorCodes]() var errorResult: [String : Any] = ["code": PluginError.BIOMETRIC_UNKNOWN_ERROR.rawValue, "message": error?.localizedDescription ?? ""]; errorCodes[1] = ErrorCodes(code: PluginError.BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED.rawValue) errorCodes[2] = ErrorCodes(code: PluginError.BIOMETRIC_DISMISSED.rawValue) errorCodes[5] = ErrorCodes(code: PluginError.BIOMETRIC_SCREEN_GUARD_UNSECURED.rawValue) errorCodes[6] = ErrorCodes(code: PluginError.BIOMETRIC_UNAVAILABLE.rawValue) errorCodes[7] = ErrorCodes(code: PluginError.BIOMETRIC_NOT_ENROLLED.rawValue) errorCodes[8] = ErrorCodes(code: PluginError.BIOMETRIC_LOCKED_OUT.rawValue) let errorCode = abs(error!._code) if let e = errorCodes[errorCode] { errorResult = ["code": e.code, "message": error!.localizedDescription]; } pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: errorResult); } } self.commandDelegate.send(pluginResult, callbackId:command.callbackId); } ); } func saveSecret(_ secretStr: String, command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) { let data = command.arguments[0] as AnyObject?; var pluginResult: CDVPluginResult do { let secret = Secret() try? secret.delete() let invalidateOnEnrollment = (data?.object(forKey: "invalidateOnEnrollment") as? Bool) ?? false try, invalidateOnEnrollment: invalidateOnEnrollment) pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "Success"); } catch { let errorResult = ["code": PluginError.BIOMETRIC_UNKNOWN_ERROR.rawValue, "message": error.localizedDescription] as [String : Any]; pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: errorResult); } self.commandDelegate.send(pluginResult, callbackId:command.callbackId) return } func loadSecret(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) { let data = command.arguments[0] as AnyObject?; var prompt = "Authentication" if let description = data?.object(forKey: "description") as! String? { prompt = description; } var pluginResult: CDVPluginResult do { let result = try Secret().load(prompt) pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: result); } catch { var code = PluginError.BIOMETRIC_UNKNOWN_ERROR.rawValue var message = error.localizedDescription if let err = error as? KeychainError { code = err.pluginError.rawValue message = err.localizedDescription } let errorResult = ["code": code, "message": message] as [String : Any] pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: errorResult); } self.commandDelegate.send(pluginResult, callbackId:command.callbackId) } @objc(authenticate:) func authenticate(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand){ justAuthenticate(command) } @objc(registerBiometricSecret:) func registerBiometricSecret(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand){ let data = command.arguments[0] as AnyObject?; if let secret = data?.object(forKey: "secret") as? String { self.saveSecret(secret, command: command) return } } @objc(loadBiometricSecret:) func loadBiometricSecret(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand){ self.loadSecret(command) } override func pluginInitialize() { super.pluginInitialize() } } /// Keychain errors we might encounter. struct KeychainError: Error { var status: OSStatus var localizedDescription: String { if #available(iOS 11.3, *) { if let result = SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, nil) as String? { return result } } switch status { case errSecItemNotFound: return "Secret not found" case errSecUserCanceled: return "Biometric dissmissed" case errSecAuthFailed: return "Authentication failed" default: return "Unknown error \(status)" } } var pluginError: PluginError { switch status { case errSecItemNotFound: return PluginError.BIOMETRIC_SECRET_NOT_FOUND case errSecUserCanceled: return PluginError.BIOMETRIC_DISMISSED case errSecAuthFailed: return PluginError.BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED default: return PluginError.BIOMETRIC_UNKNOWN_ERROR } } } class Secret { private static let keyName: String = "__aio_key" private func getBioSecAccessControl(invalidateOnEnrollment: Bool) -> SecAccessControl { var access: SecAccessControl? var error: Unmanaged? if #available(iOS 11.3, *) { access = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags(nil, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly, invalidateOnEnrollment ? .biometryCurrentSet : .userPresence, &error) } else { access = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags(nil, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly, invalidateOnEnrollment ? .touchIDCurrentSet : .userPresence, &error) } precondition(access != nil, "SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags failed") return access! } func save(_ secret: String, invalidateOnEnrollment: Bool) throws { let password = String.Encoding.utf8)! // Allow a device unlock in the last 10 seconds to be used to get at keychain items. // let context = LAContext() // context.touchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration = 10 // Build the query for use in the add operation. let query: [String: Any] = [kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecAttrAccount as String: Secret.keyName, kSecAttrAccessControl as String: getBioSecAccessControl(invalidateOnEnrollment: invalidateOnEnrollment), kSecValueData as String: password] let status = SecItemAdd(query as CFDictionary, nil) guard status == errSecSuccess else { throw KeychainError(status: status) } } func load(_ prompt: String) throws -> String { let query: [String: Any] = [kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecAttrAccount as String: Secret.keyName, kSecMatchLimit as String: kSecMatchLimitOne, kSecReturnData as String : kCFBooleanTrue, kSecAttrAccessControl as String: getBioSecAccessControl(invalidateOnEnrollment: true), kSecUseOperationPrompt as String: prompt] var item: CFTypeRef? let status = SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, &item) guard status == errSecSuccess else { throw KeychainError(status: status) } guard let passwordData = item as? Data, let password = String(data: passwordData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) // let account = existingItem[kSecAttrAccount as String] as? String else { throw KeychainError(status: errSecInternalError) } return password } func delete() throws { let query: [String: Any] = [kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecAttrAccount as String: Secret.keyName] let status = SecItemDelete(query as CFDictionary) guard status == errSecSuccess else { throw KeychainError(status: status) } } }