Bug #12358

iOS - QC1248 - Registration Check Screen – Wrong copywriting in ID language

Added by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:12 October 2021
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Jimmy Phang% Done:


Category:-Spent time:1.00 hour
Target version:-


1. Title
iOS – Registration Check
Android – Cek Registrasi
• Please follow Android

2. Account Name
iOS: Masukkan Nomor Rekening
Android: Masukkan Nomor Rekening
• Both - Please change to Masukkan Nama Rekening

iOS: Type the characters above
Android: Ketik karakter diatas
• Please follow Android.

5. Title in Registration Check Details Screen
iOS: Registration Check
Android: Cek Registrasi
• Please follow Android.

6. Status
iOS: Pending Revision
Android: Menunggu Revisi
• Please follow Android.

7. Signature Flow
iOS: Signature Flow: Sequential/ Paralel
Android: Alur Tanda Tangan: Berurutan/ Paralel
• Please follow Android.

9. Screen Edit in Pending revision Inputter screen
iOS: Title – Edit
Android: Title – UBAH
• Please follow android.

10. Popup Discard Changes
iOS: BATALKAN PERUBAHAN. Are you sure that you would like to discard all the changes?
Android: BATALKAN PERUBAHAN. Are you sure that you would like to discard all the changes?
• Both – Please change to - BATALKAN PERUBAHAN. Apakah anda yakin untuk membatalkan seluruh perubahan?

11. Signature Flow: Sequential/ Paralel
iOS: Signature Flow: Sequential/Paralel
Android: Alur Tanda Tangan: Berurutan/ Paralel
• Please follow Android.

12. Button Adde New Signer
iOS: Button Add New Signer
Android: Button Add New Signer
• Both – Please change to – TAMBAH PENDANDATANGAN BARU

14. Popup Delete Signer
iOS: WARNING. Are you sure that you would like to delete this signer?
Anrdoi: WARNING. Are you that you would like to delete this signer?
• Both – HAPUS PENANDATANGAN. Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus penandatangan ini?


#1 Updated by Yeow Yui Chuang about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Yeow Yui Chuang to Jimmy Phang
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#2 Updated by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago

Tested good.

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