Bug #14293
Android [QR PAY] Payment Flow - Payment Details Screen
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 13 September 2022 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
User uatapp21
Prelogin Flow
1. Dont auto launch keyboard when land on this screen.
2. When land on this screen the account name show erry02 this is wrong but after change SOF in dropdown it suddenly shows correctly.
3. Remove logout button
4. When click dropdown, the SOF list screen will be displayed -> the default SOF should be preselected and show toggle to ON..when customer change to different casa show toggle with OFF. This toggle on this screen can turn on and off. However if the default account or selected account is CC dont show toggle.
5. SOF list showing in EN when device language is ID.
Postlogin Flow
1. Dont auto launch keyboard when land on this screen.
2. When land on this screen the account name show erry02 this is wrong but after change SOF in dropdown it suddenly shows correctly.
3. Remove logout button
4. When click dropdown, the SOF list screen will be displayed -> the default SOF should be preselected and show toggle to ON..when customer change to different casa show toggle with OFF. This toggle on this screen can turn on and off. However if the default account or selected account is CC dont show toggle.
5. SOF Screen Header change to Pilih Rekening untuk Sumber Dana QR Pembayaran
#1 Updated by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer over 2 years ago
User uatapp21
Prelogin Flow
1. Tested Good.
2. When land on this screen the account name show erry02 this is wrong but after change SOF in dropdown it suddenly shows correctly.
3. Tested Good.
4. When click dropdown, the SOF list screen will be displayed -> the default SOF should be preselected and show toggle to ON..when customer change to different casa show toggle with OFF. This toggle on this screen can turn on and off. However if the default account or selected account is CC dont show toggle.
5. SOF list showing in EN when device language is ID.
Postlogin Flow
1. Tested Good.
2. When land on this screen the account name show erry02 this is wrong but after change SOF in dropdown it suddenly shows correctly.
3. Tested Good.
4. When click dropdown, the SOF list screen will be displayed -> the default SOF should be preselected and show toggle to ON..when customer change to different casa show toggle with OFF. This toggle on this screen can turn on and off. However if the default account or selected account is CC dont show toggle.
5. Tested Good.
#2 Updated by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer over 2 years ago
- File Capture.PNG added
Prelogin Flow
1. Tested Good.
2. Tested Good.
3. Tested Good.
4. Tested Good.
Postlogin Flow
1. Tested Good.
2. Tested Good.
3. Tested Good.
4. Tested Good.
5. Tested Good.
New issue : CC tittle is missing in SOF list
#3 Updated by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer over 2 years ago
- File Capture.PNG added
- Status changed from New to Closed
Tested Good
#4 Updated by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer over 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from sengloong.khoo sengloong.khoo to AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer