Bug #14378

Android [QR PAY] Default SOF Settings #7986 #8051

Added by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:22 September 2022
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


1. if SOF "QR Pembayaran" toggle is ON, then "QR Lainnya" will follow SOF and toggle is ON
2. If SOF "QR Pembayaran" toggle is off, then "QR Lainnya" will not follow SOF "QR Pembayaran"
3. If SOF "QR Pembayaran" toggle is off, and set "QR Lainnya" toggle is off, then when trx QR Pay will use SOF "QR Pembayaran" and QR Transfer will use SOF "QR Lainnya"
4. if SOF "QR Lainnya" toggle is ON, then "QR Pembayaran" will follow SOF and toggle is ON
5. if SOF CC "QR Pembayaran" and set "QR Lainnya" toggle is off, then when trx QR Pay will use SOF CC and QR Transfer will use SOF "QR Lainnya"

From Santosh:
-no changes on req
-resp extra field(accountNoLain) return defaultAccount for "QR Lainnya"

-no changes on resp (return accountNo on the same field, need seperated can be done)
-req added extra field (accountNoLain), to update "Qr Lainnya" return value in "accountNoLain" and empty/null on accountNo, vice versa
-accountNoLain - represent to update Qr Lainnya
-accountNo - represent to update Qr Pay

Capture.PNG (177 KB) AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer, 30 September 2022 05:02 PM


#1 Updated by Hao Ter Tai about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#2 Updated by Hao Ter Tai about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from Hao Ter Tai to AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer

#3 Updated by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer about 2 years ago

  • Assignee changed from AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer to Hao Ter Tai

In Settings when customer change pembayaran default to CC...Default Toggle OFF in Lainnya

#4 Updated by Hao Ter Tai about 2 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Hao Ter Tai to AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer

#5 Updated by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer about 2 years ago

Transfer sender and withdrawal flow - condition customer register as CC
when land to select SOF screen "after intro"

1. customer did not select any account but able to proceed
2. customer selected an account and click next but at the input screen display not the customer selected account
3. after completing the transaction customer qr lainnya was not update
- customer select SOF and did not change again in drop down save customer selection
- customer change again in drop down - toggle ON - save customer selection
- custoner change again in drop down - toggle OFF - do not save customer selection

#6 Updated by AMARBEER SINGH SIDHU amar.beer about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

Tested Good

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