Bug #14541

BE[EMAS][REGISTRATION][SELFIE PHOTO] The Selfie Photo flow is skip although the image is not submit to ECM for storing

Added by hsulynn pang almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:27 October 2022
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:santhosh Krishna% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


user profile: uatapp108

(1) login
(2) verify the dashboard slide to Investasi & Ansuransi
(3) click + button
(4) click Beli Emas via Pegadaian
(5) click Lanjut button at Beli Emas description screen
(6) input the nominal emas OR berat emas
(7) click Lanjut button
(8) click the BUAT AKUN PENGADAIAN button at the reminder screen
(9) user take the selfie and click Lanjut button
(10) click Back button till the BUAT AKUN PENGADAIAN button reminder screen
(11) click the BUAT AKUN PENGADAIAN button again

Actual result: It shows Lengkapi Informasi Tambahan screen
Expected result: The Selfie Photo flow should not be skip if the image is not yet submit to ECM for storing

IMG_1828.MOV (2.19 MB) hsulynn pang, 27 October 2022 05:52 PM

response log.txt Magnifier (122 Bytes) hsulynn pang, 27 October 2022 05:54 PM


#1 Updated by hsulynn pang almost 2 years ago

Attached response log for the reference

#2 Updated by santhosh Krishna almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

#3 Updated by hsulynn pang almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Tested ok

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