Bug #14670
Android - QC1324 - Prod - Add Validation - Change Password
Status: | Resolved | Start date: | 04 November 2022 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Jimmy Phang | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
Please Prod - QC1324 -
Add validation for repeated password (old & new) on change password module
Submenu – Settings – Change Password
We need to have validation on the new password against the old password.
- Validation on the new password field, it must not be the same as old password.
If newly entered password is the same as current password,
please display under new password field in red
EN: Password cannot be same with old password
ID: Kata sandi tidak dapat same dengan kata sandi yang lama
Please refer to attached doc for more details.
#1 Updated by Jimmy Phang over 2 years ago
Please add validation for repeated password (old & new) on change password module
Access point: Submenu – Settings – Change Password
We need to have validation on the new password against the old password.
- Validation on the new password field, it must not be the same as old password.
If newly entered password is the same as current password,
please display under new password field in red
EN: Password cannot be same with old password
ID: Kata sandi tidak dapat same dengan kata sandi yang lama
Please refer to attached doc for more details.
#2 Updated by Jimmy Phang over 2 years ago
- File QC1324 - Prod - Validation against New Password & Old Password.pptx added
- Subject changed from Android - QC1324 - Prod - Add Validation to Android - QC1324 - Prod - Add Validation - Change Password
Prod - QC1324 (add validation & call 1 WS)
Add validation for repeated password (old & new) on change password module
Submenu – Settings – Change Password
We need to have validation on the new password against the old password.
- Validation on the new password field, it must not be the same as Current password field.
If newly entered password is the same as current password,
please display under new password field in red
EN: Password cannot be same with old password
ID: Kata sandi tidak dapat same dengan kata sandi yang lama
If validation is matched, Pls consider to lower this portion in order to display the new copy writing in red. (Pls refer to attached ppt)
Please call PerformVerifyPassword at submit button
Call PerformVerifyPassword by passing BE the same parameters (pString, cString & random_number)
BE return success response, continue to call PerformChangePassword – Existing.
#3 Updated by Jimmy Phang 11 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Muhammad Reynaldi to Jimmy Phang
Tested good