Bug #14795

BE- NTB + ETB- The inbox notification for successfull CC application after approved is different from wireframe #8742

Added by hsulynn pang almost 2 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:17 November 2022
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:woonkc woonkc% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


issue: The inbox notification for successfull CC application after approved is different from wireframe

please help to fix the wording and add param for Rp limit on the request

ID language-
Maybank Kartu Kredit Anda Telah Disetujui
Selamat, Maybank Kartu Kredit ‘CC_Type’ Anda telah disetujui dengan limit Rp’limit’. Silakan aktivasi kartu Anda dan nikmati berbagai penawaran menariknya.

Maybank Kartu Kredit akan dikirimkan ke alamat yang Anda tentukan dalam kurun waktu 3-10 hari ke depan. Apabila Maybank Kartu Kredit belum Anda terima setelah 10 hari, silakan menghubungi Maybank Customer Care 1500611 untuk mengetahui status pengiriman Kartu Kredit Anda.

EN language-
Your Maybank Credit Card has been Approved.
Congratulations, your Maybank ‘CC_Type’ Credit Card has been approved with the limit IDR’limit’. Please activate your card and enjoy various attractive offers.

Maybank Credit Card will be delivered to the address you specify within the next 3-10 days. Should you have not received your Maybank Credit Card after 10 days, please contact Maybank Customer Care 1500611 for further information on your card delivery.

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