Bug #14934
Android - QC1325 - Appli - Generate Response Code
Status: | Resolved | Start date: | 01 December 2022 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Jimmy Phang | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
- FE - Please check if (iOS/ Android) have caterred the menuID VM.0025 that is being returned under retrieveSecinfo/RetrieveSecLoginToken response by BE.
- FE - Pls use profile SUBSESTER001, SUPRI-03, 123-12 for testing Appli. (Android - Need a updated UAT package to)
- Icon/Image properties pending Copywriting for language (EN) & (ID)
For your integration with Digipass SDK
1. Generate Token Response from RO Application inside Mobile Apps.
• Read Dynamic & Static Vector from Device secure storage.
• Generate RO Token Response using DigipassSDK library
GenerationResponse generationResponse = DigipassSDK.generateResponseOnly(
staticVector, dynamicVector, token_static_password, clientServerTimeShift, DigipassSDKConstants.CRYPTO_APPLICATION_INDEX_APP_1, platformFingerprint);
Strings sSignature = generationResponse.getResponse();
dynamicVector = generationResponse.getDynamicVector();
• Store Dynamic Vector in Secure Storage.
• This value DigipassSDKConstants.CRYPTO_APPLICATION_INDEX_APP_1 it depends on Mobile Token Application sequence.
2. Generate Token Response from CR Application inside Mobile Apps.
• Read Dynamic & Static Vector from Device secure storage.
• Generate CR Token Response using DigipassSDK library
GenerationResponse generationResponse = DigipassSDK.generateResponseFromChallenge(staticVector,
dynamicVector, sChallenge, token_static_password, clientServerTimeShift,
DigipassSDKConstants.CRYPTO_APPLICATION_INDEX_APP_2, platformFingerprint);
String sSignature = generationResponse.getResponse();
dynamicVector = generationResponse.getDynamicVector();
• Store Dynamic Vector in Secure Storage.
• This value DigipassSDKConstants.CRYPTO_APPLICATION_INDEX_APP_2 it depends on Mobile Token Application sequence.
3. [Appli 3] Generate Token Response from SG Application inside Mobile Apps.
• Read Dynamic & Static Vector from Device secure storage.
• Generate CR Token Response using DigipassSDK library.
String[] aField = {"1","2","3"};
GenerationResponse generationResponse = DigipassSDK.generateSignature(
staticVector, dynamicVector, aField, token_static_password, clientServerTimeShift,
DigipassSDKConstants.CRYPTO_APPLICATION_INDEX_APP_3, platformFingerprint);
String sSignature = generationResponse.getResponse();
dynamicVector = generationResponse.getDynamicVector();
• Store Dynamic Vector in Secure Storage.
• This value DigipassSDKConstants.CRYPTO_APPLICATION_INDEX_APP_3 it depends on Mobile Token Application sequence.
For Appli1 (RO), Appli2 (CR – Online), and Appli3 (CR – Offline), The OTP code or Response Code that was produced by invoking the SDK inside the app, the app no longer hit the Authentication API since it is not used for mobile authentication, but just by showing it to the screen, and customer will use the code and enter it into the web app.
As for the QR Authentication, we’re still waiting from the Vendor to provider the wrapper customized for Velocity use.
#1 Updated by Jimmy Phang over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Muhammad Reynaldi to sengloong.khoo sengloong.khoo
tested good
#2 Updated by Jimmy Phang over 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from sengloong.khoo sengloong.khoo to Jimmy Phang