Bug #16582
BE - QC1345- TT – Account Number Field for IBAN
Status: | Resolved | Start date: | 30 May 2023 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Jimmy Phang | % Done: | 100% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
Please help to cater the checking for WS TransactionFundTransferSubmit - alphanumeric checking for beneAccountNo field
#1 Updated by Jimmy Phang almost 2 years ago
Please also assist to cater a new Error code and Error Description for checking bene account value during submission of transaction/fundstransfer/submit for TT.
transaction/fundstransfer/submit is no longer able to use MCB.0000035 for TT cos it's not chehcking the bene account number field and it has changed from numerical to Alphanumerical.
Therefore, we need to check this BENE Account Number field [from aA-Zz & 0-9] with new error code & description for FE to display.
#2 Updated by Shafiqah Rahni almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Shafiqah Rahni to Jimmy Phang
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Added alphanumeric checking for
"beneAccountNo" field for transactionFundTransferSubmit ws
"accountNo" field for transactionManageBeneficiaryAdd ws.
Added error code as follow :
<statusCode>MCB.0000038</statusCode> <statusMessage>Beneficiary Account Number should only contain alphanumeric limited to [0-9a-zA-Z]</statusMessage>
Deployed to UAT.