Feature #18836

[FE][Bulk Payee List]Create Upload Confirmation Page

Added by Rahmat Alfianto 12 months ago.

Status:NewStart date:09 November 2023
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:sandika prakasa% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


When user success upload and click lanjut button user will be redirected to confirmation page
Confirmation page will show :
- Field file transaksi : [Filename]
- field Keterangan : [Keterangan]
- Stepper position in konfirmasi
- Button Kembali & Upload
if user click Kembali app will redirect to upload page with previous uploaded file shown
if user click Upload FE will hit api /api/bulk-payee-list/create-upload and send filename, keterangan and chaining ID that get from upload service, if success app will redirect to page Ringkasan Transaksi

if timeout when hit API, show error message timeout and redirect to Ringkasan Transaksi Page
if general error (500) when hit API, show general error message and stay on the Confirmation Page

figma : https://www.figma.com/file/lmQMMvUyYgo3CFSvD8oZqk/ASP-Design-23-Vol-2?type=design&node-id=4405-317182&mode=design&t=iZ2uKywTvc6j0PMl-0
swagger : https://mybcabisnis-approval-workflow-bulk-non-fin-service.apps.ocpdev.dti.co.id/swagger-ui.html#/

Screenshot 2023-11-09 151553.png - Timeout error - should be on Ringkasan Transaksi Page (99.7 KB) Rahmat Alfianto, 09 November 2023 04:15 PM

Screenshot 2023-11-09 151630.png - General error - should be stay in Confirmation Page (97.6 KB) Rahmat Alfianto, 09 November 2023 04:16 PM

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