Feature #19054
Form.io survey form
Status: | Assigned | Start date: | 04 December 2023 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | tanchen yee | % Done: | 100% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
Objective: Creating a survey form with Form.io with the selection from Question Bank
Acceptance Criteria:
1.Search module to manage the survey form:
a. Search criteria: By
-Survey type (economy / household)
b. Search Result, Columns as below (Pagination):
-Survey Type
2.Add Questions
a. Allow user to use form.io feature to drag and drop and construct the question and selection
b. Allow user to click on a button (Add from question bank, it shows the search page of question bank, user can select multiple questions on the search page itself and it will load into memory, after user back to survey form, the selected questions will be added into survey form)
c. User fill in fields:
-Survey Type (dropdown, datatype-String, sample label (Economy / Household), sample value (e/h), *now is hard code, future shall be from ws)
-Description (textarea, max 100, datatype-String)
-Tag (text filed, max 50, datatype-String) user sample: #banci 2020, #ekonomi
*technically when save record, there will be 1 row of data to be save in DB
the question data shall be in json data which store in 1 of the table column(must support json data), while other field will be store in respective table column.
3.View Survey Form(entry from Search result, user click on hyperlink for Survey Form.
The form shall same as Add Question, but in view mode only
4.Modify Survey Form (From the View Survey Form, there's a Modify button, once click, navigate to Modify Screen)y
Field same as Add Survey Form, only disable change on Survey type field
Technical work expectation:
1. Table schema creation (please check with David on which Database and to create the table)
2. BE code to create the ws to support for UI usage
3. FE code for the UI part (react js)
#1 Updated by Hoo Dextor about 1 year ago
Hoo Dextor wrote:
Objective: Creating a survey form with Form.io with the selection from Question Bank
Acceptance Criteria:
1.Search module to manage the survey form:
a. Search criteria: By
-Survey type (economy / household)
b. Search Result, Columns as below (Pagination):
-Survey Type
-Version2.Add Questions
a. Allow user to use form.io feature to drag and drop and construct the question and selection
b. Allow user to click on a button (Add from question bank, it shows the search page of question bank, user can select multiple questions on the search page itself and it will load into memory, after user back to survey form, the selected questions will be added into survey form)
c. User fill in fields:
-Survey Type (dropdown, datatype-String, sample label (Economy / Household), sample value (e/h), *now is hard code, future shall be from ws)
-Description (textarea, max 100, datatype-String)
-Tag (text filed, max 50, datatype-String) user sample: #banci 2020, #ekonomi
-Version (text filed, max 10, datatype-String) user sample: 1 , 1.1, 1.1.1
*technically when save record, there will be 1 row of data to be save in DB
the question data shall be in json data which store in 1 of the table column(must support json data), while other field will be store in respective table column.3.View Survey Form(entry from Search result, user click on hyperlink for Survey Form.
The form shall same as Add Question, but in view mode only4.Modify Survey Form (From the View Survey Form, there's a Modify button, once click, navigate to Modify Screen)y
Field same as Add Survey Form, only disable change on Survey type fieldTechnical work expectation:
1. Table schema creation (please check with David on which Database and to create the table)
2. BE code to create the ws to support for UI usage
3. FE code for the UI part (react js)
#2 Updated by tanchen yee about 1 year ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
#3 Updated by tanchen yee about 1 year ago
- % Done changed from 90 to 100