Bug #19698

[iOS][SIT][Cetak Emas] Missing one TnC for Cetak Emas

Added by Aziz Husein 9 months ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:07 February 2024
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Aziz Husein% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Missing one TnC for Cetak Emas, there supposed to be 2 TnC and 1 Pernyataan for Cetak Emas. Attached the screen capture and the expected result.

Berikut adalah syarat dan ketentuan cetak emas. Mohon untuk dibaca dan dipelajari dengan baik.

 Syarat dan Ketentuan Cetak Tabungan Emas Pegadaian
 Syarat dan Ketentuan Cetak Tabungan Emas Pegadaian Melalui M2U ID App
 Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa:
1. Saya telah memahami dan menyetujui Syarat dan Ketentuan Cetak Emas serta Syarat dan Ketentuan Cetak Tabungan Emas Pegadaian Melalui M2U ID App.
2. Saya memahami dan menyetujui bahwa produk emas merupakan produk milik Pegadaian dan bukan merupakan produk Bank Maybank Indonesia, sehingga Bank Maybank Indonesia tidak bertanggung jawab atas risiko pada proses pengiriman dan pengambilan emas.

Here are the terms and conditions of gold printing. Please read and learn carefully.

 Terms and Condition of Printing Pegadaian Gold Savings
 Terms and Condition of Printing Pegadaian Gold Savings Through M2U ID App
 Hereby I declare that:
1. I have understood and agreed to the Terms and Condition of Printing Pegadaian Gold Savings and Terms and Condition of Printing Pegadaian Gold Savings Through M2U ID App.
2. I have understood and agreed that gold product is product of Pegadaian and is not product of Bank Maybank Indonesia, therefore Bank Maybank Indonesia does not take any responsibilities of the risks occured in the gold delivery and gold pickup processes.

Screenshot_11.png (187 KB) Aziz Husein, 07 February 2024 05:54 PM

Screenshot_10.png (162 KB) Aziz Husein, 07 February 2024 05:54 PM


#1 Updated by Aziz Husein 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from salim wijaya to Aziz Husein

#2 Updated by Aziz Husein 8 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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