Bug #20434

Android - HIF-1230 - "Format" value are not displaying

Added by Jimmy Phang 6 months ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:30 April 2024
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Jimmy Phang% Done:


Category:-Spent time:8.00 hours
Target version:-


Please help to fix the "Format" value mapping with "Uploaded_Format" as it is not displaying correctly on [Non Bulk File Upload] from Task List.

Please assist to make sure the rest of the Non Bulk File Upload are mapping correctly for below:
- Saved
- Pending
- In Progress
- Completed [Not sure if the UI layout has the Format Value that need to be mapped] > Pls cross check
- Suspected [Not sure if the UI layout has the Format Value that need to be mapped] > Pls cross check
- Deleted [Not sure if the UI layout has the Format Value that need to be mapped] > Pls cross check
- Rejected [Not sure if the UI layout has the Format Value that need to be mapped] > Pls cross check
- Cancelled [Not sure if the UI layout has the Format Value that need to be mapped] > Pls cross check

Appreicate the fix and checking

Android - HIF-1230 - Format value are not displaying.docx (13.1 KB) Jimmy Phang, 07 May 2024 11:31 AM


#1 Updated by Jimmy Phang 6 months ago

  • Subject changed from Android - QC??? - "Format" value are not displaying to Android - HIF-1230 - "Format" value are not displaying

Adding issue number

HIF-1230 Fixing bugs in android where in /trx_list omni already response in FE only display File Format "-"

#2 Updated by Jimmy Phang 6 months ago

May need your help to fix those that mentioned in the attached file. Please refer to attached document.

#3 Updated by Dika Wardani 5 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Dika Wardani to Jimmy Phang

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