Feature #18835

Updated by Rahmat Alfianto 12 months ago

Create validation for upload file :
- Maximum number of uploaded file is 1
- Format file must be TXT / CSV
- File maxsize <= 7 MB, minsize > 0 MB
- Filename length max 100 char
- Filename cannot contain special char .#
- Field Keterangan mandatory, only can input alphanumeric max 50 character
If template file not available show error message
- If failed to upload file show error message
- If timeout show error message
- If general error show error message

link figma : https://www.figma.com/file/lmQMMvUyYgo3CFSvD8oZqk/ASP-Design-23-Vol-2?type=design&node-id=4405-310449&mode=design&t=iZ2uKywTvc6j0PMl-0
