
Tracker  Zoom in

open closed Total
Bug 2 40 42
Feature - - -
Support - - -
Enhancement 1 2 3
Change Request - - -
Clarification 1 - 1
Clarification (Public User) - - -
Clarification (GE IT) - - -

Priority  Zoom in

open closed Total
Immediate - - -
Urgent - - -
High - 13 13
Normal 3 25 28
Low 1 4 5

Assignee  Zoom in

open closed Total
Alex Loo - - -
hemanth hemanth - - -
Jun Hui Yap 2 35 37
Michael Ong Soo Liang - - -
Shafiqah Rahni - - -

Author  Zoom in

open closed Total
Alex Loo - - -
hemanth hemanth - - -
Jun Hui Yap 3 36 39
Michael Ong Soo Liang - - -
Shafiqah Rahni - - -

Version  Zoom in

No data to display

Category  Zoom in

No data to display