From 08 June 2022 to 07 July 2022
07 July 2022
- 05:52 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13953 (Closed): [iOS]Delayed loading of cc information from masterapp
- Tested Good
- 01:26 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13953 (Resolved): [iOS]Delayed loading of cc information from masterapp
- 05:48 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13960 (Resolved): IOS - DD - Add manual acknowledgement screen - missing notes
- 01:29 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13960 (Resolved): IOS - DD - Add manual acknowledgement screen - missing notes
- Please add notes at the bottom acknowledgement screen
Catatan (ID)/Notes (EN) :
“Biaya transaksi akan dibayarkan pa... - 05:46 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13973 (Resolved): IOS - savemasterrefvalidatephone not passing the kodeproduk
- 05:34 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13973 (Resolved): IOS - savemasterrefvalidatephone not passing the kodeproduk
- CCSA flow
savemasterrefvalidatephone not passing the kodeproduk - 05:43 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13954 (Assigned): [iOS] Show cvv card image not ready
- 1. Please follow same card dimension :
- 01:19 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13954 (Resolved): [iOS] Show cvv card image not ready
- 05:31 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13972 (Resolved): Android - Retrieve product info screen - missing CardNAME
- please display the cardname below the cardimage
- 05:29 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13958: [Android] Dashboard - Session Timeout error
- returned "02TIMEOUT" to master app, master need to handle
- 11:55 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13958 (Closed): [Android] Dashboard - Session Timeout error
- Click Tutup nothing happens. Should navigate out.
- 05:27 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13970: [Android] - Device back button
- returned 02BTN, shd be master app handle action,
- 05:09 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13970 (Closed): [Android] - Device back button
- When click device back button to exit call logout function 02 for masterapp
currently click yes nothing happens - 04:32 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13946 (Resolved): ANDROID - Upload payslip screen - app crash upload 3 document
- tested good
- 03:53 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13966 (Resolved): [iOS] Session Timeout error
- 02:46 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13966 (Closed): [iOS] Session Timeout error
- Example user login device A then go to Card details screen.
User login with device B.
User then call any service in... - 03:52 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13967 (Resolved): [iOS] CC Detail totalBillAmount
- 02:56 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13967 (Closed): [iOS] CC Detail totalBillAmount
- In the attached image..please get the value from totalBillAmount
"bgColor": "#FF7F00",
"blockCode": ""... - 03:52 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13968 (Resolved): [iOS] Back button allignment
- 03:27 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13968 (Closed): [iOS] Back button allignment
- Please ensure back button and page tittle is aligned.
- 03:33 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13969 (Closed): [Android] Dashboard - Lainnya
- Tittle missing in MasterApp
- 02:21 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13964 (Closed): [Android] - Lihat CVV
- After input TAC -> Hit error
- 01:41 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13963: BE - QC1303 - Pre-Authorization Screen Update TDAO & TDAM
- Document added.
- 01:39 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13963 (Resolved): BE - QC1303 - Pre-Authorization Screen Update TDAO & TDAM
- QC1303 – Pre-Authorization (TDAO & TDAM) Screen Update
Entry Point:-
1. Sub-menu - Manual – Authorization (Confi... - 01:40 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13962: Android - QC1303 - Pre-Authorization Screen Update TDAO & TDAM
- Document added.
- 01:38 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13962 (Resolved): Android - QC1303 - Pre-Authorization Screen Update TDAO & TDAM
- QC1303 – Pre-Authorization (TDAO & TDAM) Screen Update
Entry Point:-
1. Sub-menu - Manual – Authorization (Confi... - 01:40 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13961: iOS - QC1303 - Pre-Authorization Screen Update TDAO & TDAM
- Document added
- 01:37 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13961 (Resolved): iOS - QC1303 - Pre-Authorization Screen Update TDAO & TDAM
- QC1303 – Pre-Authorization (TDAO & TDAM) Screen Update
Entry Point:-
1. Sub-menu - Manual – Authorization (Confi... - 12:45 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13959 (Closed): [Android] CC colour not following as per return in card list
- CC colour not following as per return in card list
3640 - 10:40 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13831: MB - CommonFailed handling
- IB >>
r217842 | wongmf | 2022-07-05 17:21:28 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroo... - 10:40 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13831: MB - CommonFailed handling
- r217784 | wongmf | 2022-06-30 15:14:14 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-... - 10:31 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13929 (Pending Information): [iOS] Trx history statement date 00000000
- Need user id to simulate with statement date 00000000
06 July 2022
- 06:25 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13946 (Pending Information): ANDROID - Upload payslip screen - app crash upload 3 document
- tested good from my side, pending for more info
- 12:10 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13946 (Resolved): ANDROID - Upload payslip screen - app crash upload 3 document
- I upload photo from gallery, one file file and one file take picture, click continue, app crash
- 06:09 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13954 (Closed): [iOS] Show cvv card image not ready
- show cv not displaying expected card image
- 06:08 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13953 (Closed): [iOS]Delayed loading of cc information from masterapp
- Delayed loading of cc information from masterapp.
should have the loading icon ongoing until data completed display - 06:07 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13948 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA flow - after upload document
- 12:24 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13948 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA flow - after upload document
- ccsa flow
after upload document, user should navigate to ektp screen (which is all cc info is put in saving screen) - 05:55 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13942 (Closed): [Android] CC Information remove status
- Tested Good
- 05:44 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13942 (Resolved): [Android] CC Information remove status
- 11:32 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13942 (Closed): [Android] CC Information remove status
- CC Information remove status
- 05:52 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13922 (Closed): [Android] Dashboard - Cicilan
- Tested Good
- 11:18 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13922 (Resolved): [Android] Dashboard - Cicilan
- 05:51 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13886 (Closed): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- Tested Good
- 05:47 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13886: Dashboard - UI Bugs
- Fixed
- 11:29 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13886: Dashboard - UI Bugs
- Still missing the tittle
- 05:46 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13939 (Resolved): ANDROID - NTB - SACC flow - click Apply Kartu Kredit
- 10:04 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13939 (Resolved): ANDROID - NTB - SACC flow - click Apply Kartu Kredit
- SACC flow
Apply kartu kredit
Credit card info screen is blank - 05:43 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13931 (Resolved): [Android] Block and unblock integration
- 05:37 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13947 (Resolved): ANDROID - Informasi Pekerjaan screen - copywriting
- 12:22 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13947 (Resolved): ANDROID - Informasi Pekerjaan screen - copywriting
- 1. suppose to be Bidang Usaha
2. Telepon Kantor suppose to be Telepon Kantor (Nomor Area + Nomor Telepon) - 05:28 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13952 (Resolved): BE - QC1305 - Error Code to be added in DB.
- Please add error code to db mleb with detail below:
When hitting “O0138”.
“Transaction can not be done. ... - 05:27 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13940 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA - back button not functioning
- 10:31 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13940 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA - back button not functioning
- click back at the cc product info screen >> not able to click
- 05:27 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13943 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA - retrieveproductinfo
- 11:57 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13943 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA - retrieveproductinfo
- for NTB flow, please display the card list return by backend in retrieveproductinfo for isETB false only
- 05:26 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13944 (Resolved): ANDROID - Upload Payslip screen
- 12:08 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13944 (Resolved): ANDROID - Upload Payslip screen
- 1. please map the image/pdf file upload to Payslip 1, Payslip 2 and Payslip 3
2. please show the file size below fil... - 05:26 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13945 (Resolved): ANDROID - Upload payslip screen
- 12:09 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13945 (Resolved): ANDROID - Upload payslip screen
- please hide the button TAMBAH DOKUMEN if user already uploaded 3 documents
- 05:24 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13949 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA - informasi pekerjaan screen
- Edited in Aob project
- 12:33 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13949 (Resolved): ANDROID - CCSA - informasi pekerjaan screen
- there is a big space between new field for cc and existing field
attached screenshot - 04:49 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13950 (Resolved): IOS - SACC flow - hit OK after input phone number
- 02:13 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13950 (Resolved): IOS - SACC flow - hit OK after input phone number
- SACC flow
input phone number --> hit OK error - 04:48 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13951 (Resolved): IOS - CCSA - retrieveproductinfo
- 02:36 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13951 (Resolved): IOS - CCSA - retrieveproductinfo
- CCSA flow
please display card info for isETB false only return in retrieveproductinfo ms - 02:32 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13930 (Closed): [Android] Trx history statement date 00000000
- Tested Good
- 11:19 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13930 (Resolved): [Android] Trx history statement date 00000000
- 11:42 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13926 (Closed): [Andrioid] Credit Card image not displaying as expected
- Tested Good
- 11:18 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13926 (Resolved): [Andrioid] Credit Card image not displaying as expected
- 11:33 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13919 (Closed): [Android] Penggantian Kartu Hilang - Back Button
- Tested Good
- 11:17 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13919 (Resolved): [Android] Penggantian Kartu Hilang - Back Button
- 11:31 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13941 (Closed): [Android] CC Information able to scroll infinite
- CC Information able to scroll infinite, should only scroll up to last line of text
- 11:28 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13904: IB - Add google map into the page
- alternative might use this - 11:24 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13904 (Resolved): IB - Add google map into the page
- Revision: 217857
Author: yonqi
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 11:15 AM
yonqi - Bug #13904 IB - Add google... - 11:27 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13883 (Pending Information): IB - Add leaflet(Map) into the page
- 11:19 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13927 (Resolved): [Android] CC information display wrong information
05 July 2022
- 05:43 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13931 (Closed): [Android] Block and unblock integration
- from getcreditcardlisting
if the card status = 1 then you can block , = show block option
other than '1' you c... - 03:42 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13903 (Closed): [iOS] XCash Crash
- Tested Good
- 03:39 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13901 (Closed): XCash - xcashbannerflag ms
- Tested Good
- 03:15 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13916 (Closed): [Android] Dashboard - Transaction History
- Tested Good
- 01:06 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13916 (Resolved): [Android] Dashboard - Transaction History
- 03:12 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13890 (Closed): Dashboard - XCash Crash
- Tested Good
- 01:06 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13890 (Resolved): Dashboard - XCash Crash
- 03:12 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13930 (Closed): [Android] Trx history statement date 00000000
- for Trx history, when statement date 00000000. display on top of the list without header as this is ongoing transacti...
- 03:11 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13929 (Resolved): [iOS] Trx history statement date 00000000
- for Trx history, when statement date 00000000. display on top of the list without header as this is ongoing transaction
- 03:07 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13886 (Assigned): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- 1. Add the black box for each tagihan date
2. Still missing the tittle - 01:05 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13886 (Resolved): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- 02:46 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13893 (Closed): [iOS] Resize card image and icon according to adobe
- Tested Good
- 02:11 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13927 (Closed): [Android] CC information display wrong information
- user 3637
cc details not displayed based on selected card - 02:09 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13923 (Closed): [iOS] Dashboard - Cicilan
- Tested Good
- 10:34 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13923 (Resolved): [iOS] Dashboard - Cicilan
- 09:15 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13923 (Closed): [iOS] Dashboard - Cicilan
- Click on Cicilan nothing happens. Should navigate to Installment page
- 02:07 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13921 (Closed): [iOS] Click Back
- Tested Good
- 10:35 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13921 (Resolved): [iOS] Click Back
- 02:05 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13926 (Closed): [Andrioid] Credit Card image not displaying as expected
- please follow cc display as per digital cc. it is based on credit card listing response
- 02:04 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13918 (Closed): [iOS] Replacement Card - Empty block code
- Tested Good
- 10:35 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13918 (Resolved): [iOS] Replacement Card - Empty block code
- 02:02 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13899: Penggantian Kartu Hilang
- All good..can make the pembahruan alamat to 2 lines also please for small screen devices
- 01:58 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13892 (Closed): [iOS] Card detail disappears if lock and unlock phone screen
- tested good
- 11:22 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13925 (Resolved): Showroom-nx make the NGRX into the lib folder to share across IB & MB
- issue
IB import the class from MB, when do deployment will deploy MB and IB together.
------... - 10:43 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13904: IB - Add google map into the page
- Two ways to embed map with multiple markers:
1. Use Maps Javascript API (consider for pricing)
2. Create a map ma... - 10:07 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13924 (Closed): IB - leftMenu.json remove childRoute for menu selected
- Issue
route url belong to parent have to put in childRoute, menu will selected
No... - 09:14 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13922 (Closed): [Android] Dashboard - Cicilan
- Click on Cicilan nothing happens. Should navigate to Installment page
04 July 2022
- 07:00 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13900 (Closed): Kenaikan Limit
- Tested Good
- 11:37 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13900 (Resolved): Kenaikan Limit
- 06:54 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13921 (Closed): [iOS] Click Back
- Click Back from Xcash, Kenaikan Limit and Penggantian Kartu Hilang dont show the error 01.
- 05:59 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13897 (Closed): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- Tested Good
- 01:42 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13897 (Assigned): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- 1. Do not hardcode the date
2. Remove the tagihan tercetak box when no transaction history available. - 11:36 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13897 (Resolved): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- 05:57 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13912 (Closed): [iOS] Dashboard - UI Truncated when small screen
- Tested Good
- 11:47 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13912 (Resolved): [iOS] Dashboard - UI Truncated when small screen
- 11:25 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13912 (Closed): [iOS] Dashboard - UI Truncated when small screen
- When device used in small screen, the words are truncated.
Suggestion : If small screen make it to 2 lines. - 05:50 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13919 (Closed): [Android] Penggantian Kartu Hilang - Back Button
- Click Back button nothing happens.
Expected click back -> navigate to CC Information screen - 05:42 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13899 (Assigned): Penggantian Kartu Hilang
- 1.Tested Good for Crash
2.Do not hardcode the address.
3.Click confirm should navigate to TAC screen. Now click jus... - 11:37 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13899 (Resolved): Penggantian Kartu Hilang
- 05:28 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13898 (Closed): Lihat CVV
- Tested Good
- 11:36 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13898 (Resolved): Lihat CVV
- 05:24 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13918 (Closed): [iOS] Replacement Card - Empty block code
- Display replacement card even though returned empty block code
- 03:50 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13892 (Resolved): [iOS] Card detail disappears if lock and unlock phone screen
- 01:49 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13916 (Closed): [Android] Dashboard - Transaction History
- When no transaction history available, display as iOS
- 01:34 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13894 (Closed): [iOS] Transaction history amount hardcode to IDR
- Tested Good
- 11:35 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13894 (Resolved): [iOS] Transaction history amount hardcode to IDR
- 12:00 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13903 (Resolved): [iOS] XCash Crash
- 11:49 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13901 (Resolved): XCash - xcashbannerflag ms
- 11:35 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13893 (Resolved): [iOS] Resize card image and icon according to adobe
- 10:45 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13883 (Closed): IB - Add leaflet(Map) into the page
- use google map instead
- 10:36 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13904: IB - Add google map into the page
- API key for google map
view api key url, login as - 09:45 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13904: IB - Add google map into the page
- could use UG ws
------ {
"us... - 09:45 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13904 (Closed): IB - Add google map into the page
- google map Embed API*nmqkfu*_ga*MTI4MzAzMjc... - 09:42 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Feature #13823 (Resolved): cc-iam-ng - header from webadmin
- yonqi - add header, widgets( branding/user component ), breadcrumb component, page-header component and fonts folder
... - 09:35 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13832 (Resolved): IB - Multi language support
- Revision: 217792
Author: yonqi
Date: Friday, July 1, 2022 9:31 AM
yonqi - Bug #13832 IB - Multi language...
01 July 2022
- 06:21 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13903 (Closed): [iOS] XCash Crash
- CLick XCash -> Crash
Tested same user and card on Android no issue - 05:49 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13890: Dashboard - XCash Crash
- If cc number not exist in xcashbannerflag ms then hide the xcash button
- 03:47 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13890 (Closed): Dashboard - XCash Crash
- Click XCash -> CRASH
- 05:49 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13901 (Closed): XCash - xcashbannerflag ms
- If cc number not exist in xcashbannerflag ms then hide the xcash button
- 05:45 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13900 (Closed): Kenaikan Limit
- Click Kenaikan Limit -> App Crash
- 05:42 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13899 (Closed): Penggantian Kartu Hilang
- Click Penggantian Kartu Hilang -> App Crash
- 05:40 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13898 (Closed): Lihat CVV
- When click Lihat CVV should navigate to TAC screen 1st before displaying it.
- 05:36 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13897 (Closed): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- Riwayat Transaksi tab
1. When there is no data available should show error like android.
2. Remove the NEW.
3. Sta... - 04:23 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13729: vkey - cordova plugin test
- keystore required by vkey in this bug as well - 04:11 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13894 (Closed): [iOS] Transaction history amount hardcode to IDR
- Transaction history amount hardcode to IDR
- 04:10 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13893 (Closed): [iOS] Resize card image and icon according to adobe
- Resize card image and icon according to adobe - 04:08 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13892 (Closed): [iOS] Card detail disappears if lock and unlock phone screen
- Card detail disappears if lock and unlock phone screen
- 02:55 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #13886 (Closed): Dashboard - UI Bugs
- 1. Format the date
2. Center the title
3. Remove ":"
4. Add header
30 June 2022
- 05:31 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13837 (Resolved): cc-iam-ng - category detail modify/add
- weemeng.soh: Bug #13837 cc-iam-ng - category detail modify/add
weemeng.soh: Bug #13837 cc-iam-ng - category detail m... - 05:05 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13883: IB - Add leaflet(Map) into the page
- could use UG ws
... - 04:51 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13883 (Pending SIT ): IB - Add leaflet(Map) into the page
ref... - 01:50 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13833 (Resolved): IB - ACL Role and Functions list handler
Revision: 217776
Author: chokyf
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2022 11:51:22 AM
chok: added ngx permission
28 June 2022
- 06:48 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13831: MB - CommonFailed handling
- r217752 | wongmf | 2022-06-28 18:48:37 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-... - 06:47 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13831 (In Progress): MB - CommonFailed handling
- 03:58 PM Direct Debit M2U Bug #13848 (Closed): Backend - DD - Add/edit ms
- Failed when call to trx sequence no and transaction history
28-06-2022 14:03:55 [http-nio-7203-exec-6] INFO com.m... - 02:43 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13837 (Pending SIT ): cc-iam-ng - category detail modify/add
- copy over the category modify/add
- 01:53 PM Supercharge Bug #13819: Convert mleb advertisement to microservice ready
- Completed: At revision: 217737
Completed: At revision: 217738
Completed: At revision: 217739
Completed: At r... - 09:17 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Feature #13824 (Resolved): cc-iam-ng - leftmenu from webadmin
- weemeng.soh: Feature #13824 cc-iam-ng - leftmenu from webadmin (sidebar navigate to content page and styling).
27 June 2022
- 01:46 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13728 (Resolved): MB - Developed Keyboard on screen to enter the amount
- r217698 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-06-24 16:08:55 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro... - 09:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13827 (Closed): IB - 3rd Party - Error when adding fav
- tested ok
- 09:19 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13829 (Closed): IB - Setting - Device & Notification
- tested ok
24 June 2022
- 04:16 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13834 (Resolved): To add corporate id with setting
- r217693 | wongmf | 2022-06-24 14:27:16 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-... - 10:39 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13834 (Pending SIT ): To add corporate id with setting
- To add the corporate (on / off) flag at the config screen, by default is off
on the login page, if the corporate set... - 11:37 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13831 (Resolved): MB - CommonFailed handling
- 10:36 AM Corporate Banking POC Feature #13826 (Resolved): To setup the build environment and project base for corporate MB
- 10:35 AM Corporate Banking POC Feature #13828 (Resolved): Login Page Change
- 10:21 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13829 (Pending SIT ): IB - Setting - Device & Notification
- 10:21 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13827 (Pending SIT ): IB - 3rd Party - Error when adding fav
- 10:21 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13559 (Pending SIT ): [IB][All Modules] TAC Must be 6 Characters [IB-Q-04]
- 10:21 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13556 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Change Email in App] Input nothing in the field and click "Save C...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13555 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Change Email in App] Unable to Click Button "save Changes" on Men...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13554 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Top up] Without input anything on Menu Top Up and then enter "Nex...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13553 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Transfer] Unable to click "Cancel" button in Transaction History ...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13552 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Transfer] Allow to Enter Unmatched Country and Phone Number in Te...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13551 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Transfer] With Empty Fields Allow to Click Transfer Details butto...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13549 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Card Management] Allow to Input Minimum Amount in Request Increas...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13548 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Card Management] Allow to Input Maximum Amount in Request Increas...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13544 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Payment] Can Input Negative Amount and Can Proceed On Payment [IB...
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13541 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Allow Unlimited Characters in Change Password Menu [IB-57]
- 10:20 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13540 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Not showing Validate under Each Field in Change Passwor...
23 June 2022
- 05:15 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13831: MB - CommonFailed handling
- r217686 | wongmf | 2022-06-23 17:14:59 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-... - 10:42 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13831 (Resolved): MB - CommonFailed handling
- issue
Currently the commonFailed handling not organized
Currently the commonFailed hand... - 02:41 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13827 (Resolved): IB - 3rd Party - Error when adding fav
- weemeng.soh: Bug #13827 IB - 3rd Party - Error when adding fav
addition: set amount to two decimal place in confirma... - 02:22 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13833 (Closed): IB - ACL Role and Functions list handler
- Create a method to handle menu, buttons, router
- 11:32 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13832 (Closed): IB - Multi language support
- add selection at login page (Could refer other website where to put)
Use translate to change the langua... - 10:41 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13830 (Pending SIT ): MB - biometric enrollment & biometric login
- Could refer UG biometric enrollment & login
- 09:58 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13829 (Resolved): IB - Setting - Device & Notification
- Revision: 217677
Author: yonqi
Date: Thursday, June 23, 2022 9:56:18 AM
yonqi - Bug #13829 IB - Setting ...
22 June 2022
- 02:54 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13829 (Closed): IB - Setting - Device & Notification
- Error
Label and value is same.
Labe and value should not the same.
Could refer... - 02:50 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13729: vkey - cordova plugin test
- all doc related uploaded to this onedrive, anything can upload here - 02:19 PM Corporate Banking POC Feature #13828 (Closed): Login Page Change
- To add in Corporate ID field in the login page (dummy) before the username and password
The login function remain as... - 02:16 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13827 (Closed): IB - 3rd Party - Error when adding fav
- Error
Fill in only these info will hit error when click add fav
Fill in only th... - 01:42 PM Corporate Banking POC Feature #13826 (Closed): To setup the build environment and project base for corporate MB
- Branch url:
21 June 2022
- 10:37 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13817 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Account Details - Scheduled Transaction History
- Released Showroom MYSIT v2.
- 10:37 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13814 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Pay Bills - Future and Recurring Payment
- Released Showroom MYSIT v2.
- 10:37 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13813 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Fund Transfer - Future and Recurring Payment
- Released Showroom MYSIT v2.
- 10:05 AM Registration Check UAT Bug #13825 (Resolved): Android - QC1301 - PROD - Unable to view receipt
- Crash issue in Transaction Summary:
- Select Non bulk
- Select View Receipt
19 June 2022
- 11:54 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13728 (Assigned): MB - Developed Keyboard on screen to enter the amount
17 June 2022
- 05:56 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13814 (Resolved): [MB] Pay Bills - Future and Recurring Payment
- Updated UI with Future and Recurring Payment field with all hardcoded value
UI can similar to https://dev.silverlake... - 03:47 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13814: [MB] Pay Bills - Future and Recurring Payment
- r217597 | wongmf | 2022-06-17 15:46:57 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-... - 03:54 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13813 (Resolved): [MB] Fund Transfer - Future and Recurring Payment
- Updated UI with Future and Recurring Payment field with all hardcoded value
actual UI can refer to video below:
htt... - 03:45 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13813: [MB] Fund Transfer - Future and Recurring Payment
- r217596 | wongmf | 2022-06-17 15:45:02 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-... - 09:32 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13813: [MB] Fund Transfer - Future and Recurring Payment
- r217523 | wongmf | 2022-06-16 17:40:26 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-...
16 June 2022
- 09:28 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Feature #13824 (Pending SIT ): cc-iam-ng - leftmenu from webadmin
- have to double check the leftmenu is getting from .json or not, otherwise have to checkout following project
https:/... - 09:26 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Feature #13823 (Pending SIT ): cc-iam-ng - header from webadmin
- copy over header from webadmin into cc-iam-ng project
15 June 2022
- 05:20 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13817 (Resolved): [MB] Account Details - Scheduled Transaction History
- Created Scheduled Transaction history UI with hardcoded data, The sample UI can be seen in the attached picture
- 05:17 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13817: [MB] Account Details - Scheduled Transaction History
- r217499 | wongmf | 2022-06-15 17:17:37 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-... - 09:08 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13537 (Resolved): [IB][Settings] Incorrect Format in Change Password Menu [IB-53]
14 June 2022
- 02:10 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13728 (Resolved): MB - Developed Keyboard on screen to enter the amount
- r217490 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-06-15 02:09:04 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro... - 04:26 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13540 (Resolved): [IB][Settings] Not showing Validate under Each Field in Change Password Me...
- Revision: 217484
Author: yonqi
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 4:22 PM
yonqi - Bug #13540 [IB][Settings] No... - 03:25 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13713 (Resolved): iOS - QC Biometric Flow - Additional OTP
- Fixed
- 03:24 PM Registration Check UAT Bug #13815 (Resolved): iOS - Biometric - Additional OTP - Hitting Error WSS
- Fixed
- 08:18 AM Registration Check UAT Bug #13815 (Resolved): iOS - Biometric - Additional OTP - Hitting Error WSS
- In OTP screen, When the resend code countdown ended. Click on Resend Code, hitting wss_error_00011.
- 03:08 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- asd
- 01:28 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- test
- 12:54 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- test
- 11:19 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- test
- 11:17 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- test
- 10:06 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- test redmine again
- 10:05 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- test
- 10:00 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13492: [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
- test redmine
- 02:37 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13541 (Resolved): [IB][Settings] Allow Unlimited Characters in Change Password Menu [IB-57]
- Revision: 217472
Author: yonqi
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 2:31 PM
yonqi - Bug #13541 [IB][Settings] Al... - 02:27 PM Supercharge Bug #13819 (On Hold): Convert mleb advertisement to microservice ready
- Please follow the document attached and convert the code to spring boot.
svn path : https://dev.silverlakemobility.c... - 02:26 PM Supercharge Bug #13818 (On Hold): Convert mobile application management to microservice ready
- Please follow the document attached and convert the code to spring boot.
svn path : https://dev.silverlakemobility.c... - 10:42 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13817 (Closed): [MB] Account Details - Scheduled Transaction History
- 1. Added Scheduled Transaction History in the account details
2. The Scheduled transaction history only will display... - 09:59 AM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13544 (Resolved): [IB][Payment] Can Input Negative Amount and Can Proceed On Payment [IB-60]
- This bug has been fixed by other developers.
13 June 2022
- 05:32 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13548 (Resolved): [IB][Card Management] Allow to Input Maximum Amount in Request Increase In...
- Revision: 217461
Author: yonqi
Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 5:16 PM
yonqi - Bug #13548 [IB][Card Manageme... - 05:09 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13814 (Closed): [MB] Pay Bills - Future and Recurring Payment
- 1. Add new field in fund transfer page
* Payment Date
* Recurring Payment
2. Kindly refer the attached pptx for ... - 02:34 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Enhancement #13813 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Fund Transfer - Future and Recurring Payment
- 1. Add new field in fund transfer page
* Payment Date
* Recurring Payment
* Notify Recipient
2. Kindly refer th...
10 June 2022
- 05:51 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13549 (Resolved): [IB][Card Management] Allow to Input Minimum Amount in Request Increase In...
- Revision: 217460
Author: yonqi
Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 5:15 PM
yonqi - Bug #13549 [IB][Card Manageme...
09 June 2022
- 04:52 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13729: vkey - cordova plugin test
- it will hit the error unable to find .arr file. Please grab it from the link
https://silverlakeaxisltd-my.sharepoint... - 04:51 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13550 (Feedback): [IB][Transfer] Based on Countries below Currecy Option Empty and Cant clic...
- FE base on the data return from BE, cause [Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Jordan, Laos] doesn't r...
08 June 2022
- 07:28 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13551 (Resolved): [IB][Transfer] With Empty Fields Allow to Click Transfer Details button in...
- This bug has been fixed by other developers.
- 07:25 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13552 (Resolved): [IB][Transfer] Allow to Enter Unmatched Country and Phone Number in Telegr...
- Revision: 217425
Author: yonqi
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 7:21:50 PM
yonqi - Bug #13552 [IB][Transfer... - 07:24 PM Showroom Mobile Banking Bug #13553 (Resolved): [IB][Transfer] Unable to click "Cancel" button in Transaction History Scre...
- Revision: 217424
Author: yonqi
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 7:17:08 PM
yonqi - Bug #13553 [IB][Transfer...
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