He Xi Yeo
- Email: yeohx@silverglobe.com
- Registered on: 08 February 2021
- Last connection: 23 October 2023
- AIA Phase II (Developer, 13 September 2023)
- Direct Debit M2U (Developer, 28 June 2022)
- PENGADIAN EMAS (Developer, 21 October 2022)
- REKSADANA SWITCHING (Developer, 09 September 2021)
- VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD (Developer, 15 February 2022)
Reported issues: 0
25 October 2023
- 04:40 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #18624 (Resolved): iOS [TREATS] Konversikan Treats Anda- Amend the wording
- 04:39 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #18637 (Resolved): iOS [TREATS] Please amend the copywriting ###7629
23 October 2023
- 01:32 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #18456 (Resolved): iOS [TREATS] TREATS CR #5
- 01:32 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #18550 (Resolved): iOS [TREATS] Treats Miles- It shows "Nomor Pelanggan" when the app is set ...
25 September 2023
- 11:28 AM AIA Phase II Bug #17973 (Resolved): EKYC SDK - Copywriting changes
- Applied copywriting update to the aforementioned screens.
18 September 2023
- 10:42 AM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #17864 (Resolved): iOS [Credit Card Riwayat Transaksi] Please help to adjust the font style "...
13 September 2023
- 02:51 PM AIA Phase II Bug #17761 (Resolved): SDK - Demographic SDK failed calling
- Issue has been resolved.
By changing the format of ektpImage passing, instead of being sent as multi-part data, no...
06 September 2023
- 03:45 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #17521 (Resolved): iOS [Digital Signature] TnC word is trim in cc+saving ###13436
04 September 2023
- 05:49 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #17479 (Resolved): iOS [Digital Signature] Please handle the copywriting Gagal Memuat Halaman...
01 September 2023
- 05:46 PM VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD Bug #17465 (Resolved): iOS [Digital Signature] Hitting error when click Resend OTP ###13241
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