Bug #12064

Android - QC1224 - Registration Check : Unable to proceed to the next screen

Added by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:20 September 2021
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Jimmy Phang% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Using Data below - unable to proceed to the next screen.

BVREG00000000000086 SIGNER-001- Pending Acknowledge
Registration No: BVREG00000000000086
Mobile No: 081180104881
Account Name: NAMA1 10810000165
KTP: 31710755119100004

Current Issue :
1. android : after inputting data without verification code, still remain on registration check screen

Android QC1224 – Registration Check – CopyWriting issue.docx (12.8 KB) Jimmy Phang, 22 September 2021 10:06 AM

Android QC1224 – Registration Check – CopyWriting issue.docx (331 KB) Jimmy Phang, 27 September 2021 10:54 AM


#1 Updated by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago

Data to use:

Check Pending Ack status for
BVREG00000000000086 SIGNER-001- Pending Acknowledge
Registration No: BVREG00000000000086
Mobile No: 081180104881
Account Name: NAMA1 10810000165
KTP: 31710755119100004

1. Labelling Account Details --> ACCOUNT INFORMATION
2. Subheader missing --> Below are the detail information regarding your registration
3. Field ID (KTP) --> Identity (KTP)
4. Fiel Mobile Phone --> Mobile Number
5. Document Details missing Document Name --> displau Document Fielname like iOS
6. Button Enable Edit & Cancel Regsitratin (currently no button dipslay: as expected.) --> Only display button CANCEl REGISTRATION cos user NOT IINPUT Ver#/Rev#
7. Click Signer Details display error ccmb.9999997 -- Should be SIGNER DETAILS screen. (not an issue)

#2 Updated by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago

Having issue when clicking SEARCH button using data above, screen forced close.

#3 Updated by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago

Copywriting issue - Under status PENDING Acknowledgement - Please take out the copywriting display of [Please check your registered email for details on the needed revision]

Using Data below

BVREG00000000000086 SIGNER-001- Pending Acknowledge
Registration No: BVREG00000000000086
Mobile No: 081180104881
Account Name: NAMA1 10810000165
KTP: 31710755119100004

#4 Updated by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago

Make notes. Tested good.

#5 Updated by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago

Current issue: Pending acknowledgement (No ticket input) - when clicking Signer 1 (own signer) - displaying EDIT screen.

Expected Result: For Signer - Pending acknowledgement (No ticket input) - when clicking Signer 1 (own signer) should be displaying signer detail screen.

#6 Updated by Jimmy Phang about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from sengloong.khoo sengloong.khoo to Jimmy Phang

Tested good.

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