Feature #14006

Company Website Wordpress export as html or php

Added by chok yee fan over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Status:Pending SIT Start date:13 July 2022
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:See Liang Lim% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-
Phase:R1 Branch Code:showroom-proj-base-i5


Currently someone developed company website at wordpress.com, access to website as following

Username: mobilityweb2022
Password: mobilitySME2022

website currently development is at the wordpress.com, their own hosting and domain name and unable to deploy to other app server.

Need to find a way to export it out to html or php code, and able to run http/php server.

Testing on http server, we could use showroom-nx project, after serve the project, copy all the exported html from wordpress put it into assets/wordpress folder, direct access into index.html from the assets/wordpress



#1 Updated by yonqi yonqi over 2 years ago

Export html from wordpress:
1. login to wordpress.com
2. go to My Home > Visit Site to preview page
3. right click on the page you want to export, go to Inspect > Elements to view html
4. remove some unnecessary code - right click on the element code you want to select > Delete element
  • header: keep all the style elements and css stylesheet link
  • body: keep <div class="wp-site-blocks"> for main content, others can be removed

5. copy the html code and paste it into the project and run http server
6. all style elements can be put into css file

#2 Updated by yonqi yonqi over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from yonqi yonqi to Hoo Dextor

#3 Updated by yonqi yonqi over 2 years ago

wordpress folder has been removed from the showroom project

#4 Updated by Megat AhmadSalehudin about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Pending SIT
  • Assignee changed from Hoo Dextor to See Liang Lim

Released v2.0.0.4 SIT

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