Bug #20509

BE - VMB-1176 Add 2 New ISO format code

Added by Jimmy Phang 5 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:14 May 2024
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Ricec Ricec% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


VMB-1176 Add 2 New ISO format code

Please help to add 2 new format code and description to return to FE in the relevant WSs below:

To apply in after clicking "VIEW DETAIL" button under Format Field.

OPISO20022 as Online Payment ISO20022
FTISO20022 as General Fund Transfer ISO20022

This is going to be applied into entry below:

Entry from Dashboard > Task List > Non Bulk File Upload > Pending
Entry from Dashboard > Task List > Non Bulk File Upload > Pending > VIEW DETAIL
Entry from Side Menu > Authorization > Non-Bulk File Upload > VIEW DETAIL

Currently we unable display Format Description as (This is confirmed with Tia that we will need to display Format Description)

A. Entry from Dashboard > Task List > Non Bulk File Upload > Pending

Omni Spec [7.2 task_list/list_trx] > Currently not returning neither upload_format nor Upload Description

B. Entry from Dashboard > Task List > Non Bulk File Upload > Pending > VIEW DETAIL

Omni Spec [9.1 authorization/list_pending_trx]

C. Entry from Side Menu > Authorization > Non-Bulk File Upload > VIEW DETAIL

Omni Spec [9.1 authorization/list_pending_trx] > Currently only returning upload_format but not returning Format Description

VMB-1176 Add 2 New ISO format code.pptx (191 KB) Jimmy Phang, 14 May 2024 10:44 AM


#1 Updated by Jimmy Phang 5 months ago

Reflecting WSs of upload_format_desc to FE which stated as below:

RetrieveAuthorizeTransaction fix mapping , fix upload format description
RetrieveTaskTransaction add mapping for upload format description

#2 Updated by Ricec Ricec 4 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from DIMAS HARTONO to Ricec Ricec
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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