
Tracker  Zoom in

open closed Total
Bug 2 2 4
Feature - - -
Support 4 - 4
Enhancement - - -
Change Request - - -
Clarification - - -
Clarification (Public User) - - -
Clarification (GE IT) - - -

Priority  Zoom in

open closed Total
Immediate - - -
Urgent 1 - 1
High 2 - 2
Normal 3 2 5
Low - - -

Assignee  Zoom in

open closed Total
Annie Lee - 2 2
Axel Sidharta 1 - 1
Dika Wardani - - -
Filbert Hartawan - - -
hemanth hemanth 4 - 4
Jacky Wong - - -
Jimmy Phang 1 - 1
Jun Hui Yap - - -
Muhammad Reynaldi - - -
sengloong.khoo sengloong.khoo - - -
Shafiqah Rahni - - -
SP LENG - - -
yap chekying - - -
Yeow Yui Chuang - - -

Author  Zoom in

open closed Total
Annie Lee - 2 2
Axel Sidharta - - -
Dika Wardani - - -
Filbert Hartawan - - -
hemanth hemanth - - -
Jacky Wong - - -
Jimmy Phang 1 - 1
Jun Hui Yap 4 - 4
Muhammad Reynaldi - - -
sengloong.khoo sengloong.khoo - - -
Shafiqah Rahni - - -
SP LENG - - -
yap chekying - - -
Yeow Yui Chuang 1 - 1

Version  Zoom in

No data to display

Subproject  Zoom in

open closed Total
OCBC NISP Velocity Mobile UAT 6 - 6
VELO Administration Authorization Transaction Notification 2 - 2
VELO Production Issue 4 - 4
VELO Registration Check - - -
Registration Check SIT - - -
Registration Check UAT 396 3 399

Category  Zoom in

No data to display