Tan Jiau Yan


  • NEWSS 2.0 (Lead Developer, Developer, Developers, 01 December 2023)
  • Pre-Development (Lead Developer, Developer, Developers, 01 December 2023)


Reported issues: 3

29 January 2024

12:39 PM Pre-Development Bug #19530: IAM > User Category
Issue :
The alert msg : record successfully saved still remain whenever i click cancel button or navigate to othe...
12:34 PM Pre-Development Bug #19530 (Assigned): IAM > User Category
Issue :
After add new category, and it asked to back to search page, the search criteria container collapse.
12:26 PM Pre-Development Bug #19530 (Resolved): IAM > User Category
Working correctly.
12:24 PM Pre-Development Bug #19537 (Closed): top navigation bar disappear
Working correctly.
12:18 PM Pre-Development Bug #19039 (Closed): IAM > Business Constitution
Working correctly.
12:15 PM Pre-Development Bug #19075: FE - React - Rerender the children after language changed
Issue :
After change language, the title in data table no changed into the correct language. But, it changed when...
12:03 PM Pre-Development Bug #19044: IAM > User Profile
Issue :
When unsuccess updateAction , it display record successfully saved msg.
Expected :
When have the ...
11:55 AM Pre-Development Bug #19042: IAM > Organisation
Issue :
After error prompt out and click the cancel button, the error msg still remain.
Expected :
11:27 AM Pre-Development Bug #19042: IAM > Organisation
Issue :
Department module no fully working correctly :
updateAction, createAction , viewAction , calling ws wr...
11:22 AM Pre-Development Bug #19042: IAM > Organisation
Issue 1 :
When we navigate to another tab , the title of breadcrumb should be changed and refer to the name of ta...

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