Bug #19042

IAM > Organisation

Added by Low Dylan 11 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Status:AssignedStart date:01 December 2023
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Amirul Umar Pandai% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


org - 40% UI with integrated BE

What is the issue?

redmine_enh1.pptx (300 KB) David Wong, 08 December 2023 01:58 PM

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 12.53.02 PM.png - createDepartmentError (456 KB) chok yee fan, 12 December 2023 12:53 PM

viewOrgStructureAction error.png (180 KB) Amirul Umar Pandai, 13 December 2023 11:05 AM

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-19 at 5.30.41 PM.jpeg (144 KB) Tan Jiau Yan, 19 January 2024 05:31 PM

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 4.29.54 PM.png - countSearchActionWS (554 KB) chok yee fan, 22 January 2024 04:29 PM

Screenshot 2024-01-29 111342.png - After modify and save, it appear this error. (215 KB) Tan Jiau Yan, 29 January 2024 11:26 AM

Screenshot 2024-01-29 112219.png - createAction error (108 KB) Tan Jiau Yan, 29 January 2024 11:27 AM

Screenshot 2024-01-29 113711.png - error still remain after clicking cancel button (223 KB) Tan Jiau Yan, 29 January 2024 11:53 AM

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 1.33.52 PM.png - NoMandatoryForStatus (653 KB) chok yee fan, 30 January 2024 01:33 PM

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-31 at 2.25.17 PM.jpeg (190 KB) Hazimi Muhammad, 31 January 2024 04:18 PM

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-05 at 5.05.58 PM.jpeg (94 KB) Hazimi Muhammad, 05 February 2024 05:17 PM


#1 Updated by Low Dylan 11 months ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to David Wong

Heard that you are working on it.

#2 Updated by David Wong 11 months ago

Refer to the attached PowerPoint file

#3 Updated by David Wong 11 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from David Wong to chok yee fan

#4 Updated by chok yee fan 10 months ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Amirul Umar Pandai

#5 Updated by chok yee fan 10 months ago

search profile -> view profile -> department tab -> Add -> fill in data -> error

search profile -> view profile -> department tab -> Add -> fill in data -> create successful

#6 Updated by Amirul Umar Pandai 10 months ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 40

Applied fix for department create error, but need more info to fully implement Organisation structure tab page

- initial Organisation Structure tab page
- fix department create error


#7 Updated by Amirul Umar Pandai 10 months ago

Having issue with viewOrgStructureAction ws, facing "No value present" error. Chok suggested I assign back to David for now.

#8 Updated by Tan Jiau Yan 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from David Wong to chok yee fan

Issue 1:

When modify organisation profile, and to search Parent Organisation, the modal search page cant reset the search info.

Expected 1:

When fill in the search fields and reset it, all the search fields should be cleared.

Issue 2:

In the modal search page, pagination component in data table no working fine.

Expected 2:

The pagination component should be working well as the org search page.

#9 Updated by chok yee fan 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Amirul Umar Pandai

#10 Updated by Tan Jiau Yan 9 months ago

Issue :

In search page, to select category to search will trigger the error. But, no select category and fill in other fields working fine.

#11 Updated by chok yee fan 9 months ago

careless, always have the code different from other cause difficultly to mantain.

click search button -> always call countSearchAction.

click search button -> NO call countSearchAction.

#12 Updated by Amirul Umar Pandai 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Amirul Umar Pandai to chok yee fan

#13 Updated by Tan Jiau Yan 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Amirul Umar Pandai

Issue 1 :

When we navigate to another tab , the title of breadcrumb should be changed and refer to the name of tab.

Expected 1 :

When we click department tab, the title of breadcrumb should be like this :

Search and List Organization Profile / Search and List Department

Issue 2 :

When go into view page of department, all the tab and breadcrumb disappear.

Expected 2 :

When go into view page of department , it should be remain the tab and breadcrumb.

#14 Updated by Tan Jiau Yan 9 months ago

Issue :

Department module no fully working correctly :

updateAction, createAction , viewAction , calling ws wrongly.

Expected :

Please fixed the issue and make the department module fully working correctly same as others module.

#15 Updated by Tan Jiau Yan 9 months ago

Issue :

After error prompt out and click the cancel button, the error msg still remain.

Expected :

After click cancel button / navigate to others, the error msg should be disappeared.

#16 Updated by chok yee fan 9 months ago

no quality

click left menu -> click Add -> no select status -> Click Save -> Able to save.

click left menu -> click Add -> no select status -> Click Save -> Not able to save, should mandatory on select item

noted: payload {"organisationEntity":{"userCatId":"2","orgName":"Organisation Name4","orgCode":"OrganisationCode4","orgTypeId":"2","regNumber":"RegistrationNumber4","countryId":"55","regAddrStreet1":"","regAddrStreet2":"","regAddrStreet3":"","regAddrCity":"","regAddrPostcode":"","regAddrCountryId":"","crspdAddrStreet1":"","crspdAddrStreet2":"","crspdAddrStreet3":"","crspdAddrCity":"","crspdAddrPostcode":"","crspdAddrCountryId":"","latitude":"","longitude":"","contactName":"","contactHandPhone":"","contactOtherPhone":"","contactFax":"","contactEmail":"","approvedBy":"","approvedDt":"","termConditionData":{},"status":""}}

#17 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

Scenario :
Click organization profile > Add > fill the form and save

Issue :

Got error when to add new data

Expected :

Sould can add new data

#18 Updated by Amirul Umar Pandai 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Amirul Umar Pandai to Hazimi Muhammad

Fixed JSON parse error by disabling "Terms and Conditions" field, but now hitting "error.http.500". Suspect BE team is still working on this ws. Resolving for now.

Fix org profile error "JSON parse error"


#19 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Hazimi Muhammad to chok yee fan

#20 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Feedback

This one need to fix from BE

#21 Updated by chok yee fan 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Amirul Umar Pandai

#22 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

Error after add new data the page stuck in the search page.

Issue :

When click Add > fill the form > save > back to search page > cannot click add and search button

Expected :

When click Add > fill the form > save > back to search page > can click add and search button

#23 Updated by Amirul Umar Pandai 9 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Amirul Umar Pandai to Hazimi Muhammad

Bug #19042 - fix Add and Search button stuck after saving new record and navigating back to search
Bug #19666 - fix form being filled after previously viewing record
Bug #19668 - clear alert message after clicking save (Org profile)
Bug #19673 - clear alert message after clicking save (User profile, Mleb system)


#24 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Hazimi Muhammad to chok yee fan

Issue fixed:

Checked For:

Bug #19042 - fix Add and Search button stuck after saving new record and navigating back to search

When click Add > fill the form > save > back to search page > Now can click other button

#25 Updated by chok yee fan 8 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

close, use new redmine to trace

#26 Updated by David Wong 8 months ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Zaid Haritsah

Please provide enhancement high level info.

#27 Updated by Zaid Haritsah 8 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Zaid Haritsah to Amirul Umar Pandai

This is for Organization assign Function Group page.



"sessionID": "test",
"orgRoleFunctionBean": {
"orgRoleFunctionTempEntity": {
"groupCode": "STATE",
"systemCode": "MLEB_COMMON",
"orgId": 2,

#29 Updated by Zaid Haritsah 8 months ago

This is for Organization Role Function Save button



"sessionID": "test",
"orgRoleFunctionBean": {
"orgId": 2
"orgRoleFunctionEntity": {
"orgId": 2,


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