Feature #18489

Bug #19678: FE - React - MLEB Function incorrect mapping and missing status dropdown fields

IAM > MLEB Function

Added by David Wong about 1 year ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:19 January 2024
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:chok yee fan% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


GIT Repo:

Microservice: bd_iam

Reference UI:
Login into: https://dev.silverlakemobility.com/hlf/sg/cc_iam/loginModule/login.htm (sysuser/abc123)
And then go to this URL: https://dev.silverlakemobility.com/hlf/sg/cc_iam/mlebFunctionModule/listMLEBFunctionsByPage.htm?firstTime=Y

Search Form

Search Action Button:

Count Search Result Action Button:

Search criteria
MLEB System = systemCode/systemName select item
Function Group = textbox (with standard search criteria)
Function name = textbox (with standard search criteria)
Role name = textbox (with standard search criteria)
Status = char/Status (standard status list)

Search result
  • Function code
  • System name (system code)
  • Function Group
  • Function Name (function code)
  • Status

SQL query template

select mf.function_code, mf.function_name || ' (' || mf.function_code || ')' , mf.status, mfg.group_name, ms.system_name || ' (' || ms.system_code || ')'
from mleb_iam.mleb_function mf 
  inner join mleb_iam.mleb_function_group mfg on mf.group_code = mfg.group_code
  inner join mleb_iam.mleb_system ms on ms.system_code = mf.system_code
where 1=1
order by ms.system_name asc, mfg.group_name asc, mf.function_name asc

(if user input role name in the search criteria)
add this into the SQL query above:

  inner join mleb_iam.user_role_function urf on urf.function_code = mf.function_code
  inner join mleb_iam.user_role ur on ur.role_name = urf.role_name

SQL where clause and search criteria mapping
  • MLEB System -> ms.system_code in (:systemCodes)
  • Function Group -> upper(mfg.group_name) = :groupName
  • Function name -> upper(mf.function_name) = :functionName
  • Role name -> upper(ur.role_name) = :roleName
  • Status -> mf.status in (:statuses)


(No Add Action Button)

View Action Button:

Update Action Button:

Mandatory fields:
  • functionCode
  • functionName
  • systemCode
  • status
Duplicate check:
  • functionCode
  • functionName

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-13 at 3.15.44 PM.jpeg (165 KB) Hazimi Muhammad, 13 December 2023 05:10 PM

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-13 at 5.12.22 PM (1).jpeg (120 KB) Hazimi Muhammad, 13 December 2023 05:13 PM

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-19 at 1.11.19 PM.jpeg (70.6 KB) Hazimi Muhammad, 19 December 2023 01:12 PM

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-19 at 1.12.35 PM.jpeg (236 KB) Hazimi Muhammad, 19 December 2023 01:12 PM


Bug #19529: IAM > MLEB FunctionClosedTan Jiau Yan


#1 Updated by David Wong about 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Due date changed from 23 October 2023 to 18 October 2023

#2 Updated by David Wong about 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#3 Updated by Farid Nazmi about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

#4 Updated by David Wong about 1 year ago

  • Due date changed from 18 October 2023 to 25 October 2023

#5 Updated by David Wong about 1 year ago

Package name = com.silverlake.ifb.iam.mlebFunction

Bean prefix = MlebFunction
Service prefix = MlebFunction
DAO prefix = MlebFunction
WS prefix = MlebFunction

#6 Updated by Farid Nazmi about 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

finish dto setup

#7 Updated by Farid Nazmi about 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 50
already done the repository part :
  • MlebFunctionDao
  • MlebFunctionDaoCustom
  • MlebFunctionDaoImpl
    -Already include join table condition for user role and user role function in parseFromClause
  • MlebFunctionSearchSqlConstant
    -Already include join table constant

currently proceed on the services and web services

#8 Updated by Farid Nazmi 12 months ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 90

Already done all part proceed with testing

#9 Updated by Farid Nazmi 12 months ago

  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

Already done and push to git

#10 Updated by Farid Nazmi 12 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

#11 Updated by Farid Nazmi 12 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Farid Nazmi to David Wong

#12 Updated by Low Dylan 11 months ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from David Wong to chok yee fan

Please help to integrate.

#13 Updated by chok yee fan 11 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Farid Nazmi

please put the ws url and request paramters and assign back to me

#14 Updated by Farid Nazmi 11 months ago

okay sure

#15 Updated by Farid Nazmi 11 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Farid Nazmi to chok yee fan

Module Name : MLEB Function
WS Url = ../api/mlebFunctionWs

Parameters for WS

1. /searchForm * {}

2. /searchAction

  • {
    "sessionID": "test",
    "mlebFunctionSearchParamBean": {
    "columnSortingBean": {
    "columnName": "functionName",
    "descending": true
    "totalRowsPerPage": 10,
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "goToFirstPage": true,
    "groupName": "",
    "groupNameCriteria": "",
    "functionName": "",
    "functionNameCriteria": "",
    "roleName": "",
    "roleNameCriteria": "",
    "statuses": [],
    "systemNames": []

3. /countSearchAction * {}

4. /dataEntryForm * {}

5. /viewAction * {
"sessionID": "test",
"mlebFunctionBean": {

6. /updateAction * {
"sessionID": "test",
"mlebFunctionEntity": {
"functionName": "Organisation Type Search Form",
"systemCode": "MLEB_IAM",
"status": "",
"groupCode": "ORG_TYPE",
"status": "A",
"createDt": "2023-10-14T06:18:35.326+08:00",
"createBy": "mleb_dba",
"modifyDt": null,
"modifyBy": null,
"effectiveDt": null,
"expiryDt": null

#16 Updated by chok yee fan 11 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Hazimi Muhammad

#17 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 10 months ago

Hazimi - ADD MLEB Function Module


#18 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 10 months ago

Hazimi - Remove the split function in MLEB Function Module


#19 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 10 months ago

Hazimi - change formmode base on constant value (MlebFunction)


#20 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 10 months ago

Cannot find the response for Function Group array in dataEntryForm.



"responseTimestamp": "2023-12-13T15:15:57.388+08:00",
"headerBean": {
"bddispatchURL": null,
"requestInfo": null,
"bdvmurl": null
"responseCode": "00300",
"responseMessage": "Success OK.",
"sessionID": null,
"tranxID": "10051926",
"bdResponseCode": null,
"bdResponseMessage": null,
"mlebFunctionBean": {
"mandatoryFields": [
"infoMessages": [],
"errorMessages": [],
"warnMessages": [],
"functionCode": null,
"functionName": null,
"systemCode": null,
"systemName": null,
"groupName": null,
"groupCode": null,
"status": null,
"selected": false
"mlebFunctionEntity": {
"functionCode": null,
"functionName": null,
"systemCode": null,
"groupCode": null,
"status": null,
"createDt": null,
"effectiveDt": null,
"expiryDt": null,
"createBy": null,
"modifyDt": null,
"modifyBy": null,
"mlebSystemEntity": null,
"mlebFunctionGroupEntity": null,
"statusLabel": null
"systemNameSelectItems": [ {
"key": "MLEB_COMMON",
"value": "General"
}, {
"key": "MLEB_AM",
"value": "Alert Messaging"
}, {
"key": "MLEB_MAM",
"value": "Mobile Application Management"
}, {
"key": "MLEB_CHATBOT",
"value": "Chatbot"
}, {
"key": "MLEB_IAM",
"value": "Administration"
"statusSelectItems": [ {
"key": "A",
"value": "Active"
}, {
"key": "D",
"value": "Pending Deletion"
}, {
"key": "X",
"value": "Inactive"
"bdobject": null

#21 Updated by chok yee fan 10 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Farid Nazmi to Hazimi Muhammad

David oledi put it the code

#22 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 10 months ago

Want to make for this Dispatch URL , UM URL and Core Function still exist? if do which one should i map? because i cannot find inside the WS viewAction

#23 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from David Wong to chok yee fan

Hazimi - Feature #18489 - IAM > MLEB Function - Fix the update ws and add defaultValues


#24 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

Hazimi - Feature #18489 - IAM > MLEB Function - Remove the dispatch url and vm url


#25 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Hazimi Muhammad

#26 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

Hazimi - Feature #18489 - IAM > MLEB Function - Fix bug for mleb function


#27 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Hazimi Muhammad to chok yee fan

#28 Updated by chok yee fan 9 months ago

careless not testing
create another bug to track

#29 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Farid Nazmi

Issue on searchAction (systemName[]) that when key in the payload is correct but still got error.

#30 Updated by Farid Nazmi 9 months ago

already fix searchAction WS

#31 Updated by Farid Nazmi 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Farid Nazmi to Hazimi Muhammad

#32 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Hazimi Muhammad to chok yee fan

#33 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

Scenario :
Click MLEB FUNCTION > search > table> modify >empty the data> save

Issue :

The form dont have validation if the form is empty

Expected :

The form need to have validation if the form is empty

#34 Updated by chok yee fan 9 months ago

  • Assignee changed from chok yee fan to Amirul Umar Pandai

#35 Updated by Amirul Umar Pandai 9 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Amirul Umar Pandai to Hazimi Muhammad

#36 Updated by Hazimi Muhammad 9 months ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Hazimi Muhammad to chok yee fan

Go to MLEB FUNCTION > click search > select data on the table> modify the form > try to empty the data > save

The issue has been fix when click save will get the error message

#37 Updated by chok yee fan 9 months ago

  • Parent task set to #19678

careless with incorrect mapping BE service will use this readmine the trace

#38 Updated by chok yee fan 8 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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