
From 15 April 2022 to 14 May 2022

13 May 2022

04:44 PM Feature #13669 (Resolved): Showroom App Build Android need keystore singing for vkey
r217213 | wongmf | 2022-05-13 16:38:28 MYT
Changed paths:
A /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-...
Wong Mun Fung
02:51 PM Feature #13676 (Resolved): Account Overview - Fixed Deposit no amount display have data
r217211 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-05-13 14:50:02 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
11:27 AM Feature #13676 (Closed): Account Overview - Fixed Deposit no amount display have data
URL change to
user: v12user1
FD *no* amount display even BE return FD data.
chok yee fan
10:45 AM Bug #13507 (Closed): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input 0.00 Amount [IB-22]
Tested good Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
10:44 AM Bug #13506 (Closed): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-21]
Tested good based on issue log Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
10:43 AM Bug #13503 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Can Input Name Other Than Alphabet and special character ' and...
Tested good based on issue log Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
10:42 AM Bug #13500 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Amount Can Input With Other Than Number [IB-15]
Tested good based on issue log Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
10:41 AM Bug #13499 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Account Number allow Special Characters [IB-Q-03]
Tested good based on issue log Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
10:01 AM Feature #13673 (Closed): IB - Validation ngModel change to ngForm
Currently the most of the page using ngModel to do validation mandatory the input fields no highlight ...
chok yee fan

12 May 2022

03:34 PM Support #13662 (Resolved): [Support] - To create several Credit and Debit entries for the transac...
Revision: 217189
Author: santhosh1999
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022 3:27:57 PM
solved - Support #13662
santhosh Krishna
11:49 AM Support #13662 (In Progress): [Support] - To create several Credit and Debit entries for the tran...
santhosh Krishna
10:44 AM Support #13662 (Assigned): [Support] - To create several Credit and Debit entries for the transac...
David Wong
02:48 PM Enhancement #13666 (Pending SIT ): Enhancement - To allow user to switch between the bubble and G...
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
02:25 PM Enhancement #13666 (Resolved): Enhancement - To allow user to switch between the bubble and Grid ...
Wong Mun Fung
02:24 PM Enhancement #13666: Enhancement - To allow user to switch between the bubble and Grid view
r217181 | wongmf | 2022-05-12 14:16:58 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-...
Wong Mun Fung
09:40 AM Enhancement #13666: Enhancement - To allow user to switch between the bubble and Grid view
re-assign due to megat have other assignment chok yee fan
02:48 PM Enhancement #13665 (Pending SIT ): Enhancement - Apply a darker blue gradient as attached
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
02:48 PM Feature #13656 (Pending SIT ): Product Application > populate Name, IC, DOB from screen keyin
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
02:48 PM Feature #13655 (Pending SIT ): ipconfig - add offline checkbox to call offline json data
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
11:30 AM Feature #13669 (Closed): Showroom App Build Android need keystore singing for vkey
release app need to sign by keystore, location keystore at
have to...
chok yee fan

11 May 2022

06:12 PM Feature #13655 (Resolved): ipconfig - add offline checkbox to call offline json data
weemeng.soh: Feature #13655 ipconfig - add offline checkbox to call offline json data Wee Meng Soh
10:01 AM Feature #13655 (Closed): ipconfig - add offline checkbox to call offline json data
at the ipconfig add offline checkbox to call offline json data chok yee fan
05:03 PM Enhancement #13667 (Closed): Enhancemnt - To create button links for the Forgot Password and Logi...
1) As the buttons look incorrect/looks funny, it had been decided to remove the enhancement
See Liang Lim
04:16 PM Enhancement #13667 (Closed): Enhancemnt - To create button links for the Forgot Password and Logi...
1) Open the App, the login page would be displayed
Expected result
1) Remove the "Forget Pa...
See Liang Lim
04:29 PM Enhancement #13665 (Resolved): Enhancement - Apply a darker blue gradient as attached
r217157 | wongmf | 2022-05-11 16:27:16 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-...
Wong Mun Fung
04:14 PM Enhancement #13665: Enhancement - Apply a darker blue gradient as attached
their have decided to use that colour as per u share in whatapp group. i have attached it chok yee fan
04:04 PM Enhancement #13665 (Pending SIT ): Enhancement - Apply a darker blue gradient as attached
1) Login into the Showroom App
2) At the homepage, apply the required darker blue gradient colour to give higher con...
See Liang Lim
04:21 PM Enhancement #13666: Enhancement - To allow user to switch between the bubble and Grid view
they wan to have icons to switch bubble view or listing box view.
icon switch image attached
chok yee fan
04:12 PM Enhancement #13666 (Pending SIT ): Enhancement - To allow user to switch between the bubble and G...
1) Login into the App
2) Click on the Account link
3) YOu will see a "bubble" view of the accounts and amount
See Liang Lim
03:58 PM Feature #13656 (Resolved): Product Application > populate Name, IC, DOB from screen keyin
r217155 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-05-11 15:56:57 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
10:21 AM Feature #13656 (Closed): Product Application > populate Name, IC, DOB from screen keyin
If *NOT* CTOS, have to populate the fields from the image (before populate screen) to image (populate screen) such as... chok yee fan
02:04 PM Support #13662 (Resolved): [Support] - To create several Credit and Debit entries for the transac...
1) To create multiple random Credit and Debit entries for the "mobility003" and "testdeposit6"
2) The accounts above...
See Liang Lim
01:17 PM Bug #13660 (Pending SIT ): FPX fdFlag change integerField
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
12:17 PM Bug #13660 (Resolved): FPX fdFlag change integerField
change integerField from 0 to 1 chok yee fan
12:13 PM Bug #13660 (Closed): FPX fdFlag change integerField
"integerField": 0
"integerField": 1
chok yee fan
01:16 PM Bug #13657 (Pending SIT ): FPX Url change to non https
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
11:03 AM Bug #13657 (Resolved): FPX Url change to non https
changed base on request chok yee fan
10:59 AM Bug #13657 (Closed): FPX Url change to non https
change from
chok yee fan

10 May 2022

03:25 PM Feature #13584 (Resolved): IB - Settings > Account Settings > Pay Mobile Account Copy from MB
weemeng.soh: Feature #13584 IB - Settings > Account Settings > Pay Mobile Account Copy from MB Wee Meng Soh
09:50 AM Bug #13446: Product Application > Wise AI End flow display error
try to check the error see still happen or not, otherwise is BE issue oledi chok yee fan

09 May 2022

09:52 AM Feature #13584 (Feedback): IB - Settings > Account Settings > Pay Mobile Account Copy from MB
user: testdeposit2
click from the left menu > select dropdown > save > nav to home > click Pay Mobil...
chok yee fan
09:35 AM Bug #13609 (Closed): IB - Buttons Standardized Right Bottom for whole app
tested ok chok yee fan
09:32 AM Bug #13623 (Closed): IB - Input Placeholder same as Label
tested ok chok yee fan

06 May 2022

06:00 PM Bug #13638 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
03:08 PM Bug #13638 (Resolved): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
resize the images to 300px X 169px, image not stretch, use object-fit: cover chok yee fan
10:02 AM Bug #13638 (Feedback): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
Checked the flow work fine, the image looks fine, suspect the video recording cause the keyboard, but the keyboard is... Leoh Dennis leohyq
03:57 PM Enhancement #13633 (Feedback): FD On-boarding
Unable to simulate
Please try again
David Wong
03:56 PM Bug #13632 (Feedback): login using newly created user id after Credit Card on-boarding.
Unable to simulate.
Please try again
David Wong
10:15 AM Bug #13491 (Resolved): IB - Credit card > Update contact info > unable to proceed and info popula...
weemeng.soh: Bug #13491 IB - Credit card > Update contact info > unable to proceed and info populate late STOPPER Wee Meng Soh

05 May 2022

05:37 PM Enhancement #13643 (Pending SIT ): Change to a darker colour for Headers
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
11:48 AM Enhancement #13643 (Resolved): Change to a darker colour for Headers
r217090 | wongmf | 2022-05-05 11:15:47 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-...
Wong Mun Fung
09:49 AM Enhancement #13643 (Pending SIT ): Change to a darker colour for Headers
1) Change all the Headers to be 2 shades darker
See Liang Lim
05:37 PM Bug #13641 (Pending SIT ): Revise the font size to be larger for the Accounts information bubbles
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
03:06 PM Bug #13641 (Resolved): Revise the font size to be larger for the Accounts information bubbles
r217091 | wongmf | 2022-05-05 15:04:31 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroom-proj-...
Wong Mun Fung
09:41 AM Bug #13641 (Pending SIT ): Revise the font size to be larger for the Accounts information bubbles
1) Log into the Showroom app
2) View the Accounts summary page to display the bubbles
3) Increase the font size f...
See Liang Lim
09:50 AM Bug #13642 (Closed): Images truncated during the Security Image selection
will use to do the tracking chok yee fan
09:46 AM Bug #13642 (Closed): Images truncated during the Security Image selection
1) Perform a Account Registration that is triggered from WiseAI process
2) At the Security Image selection, the imag...
See Liang Lim
09:47 AM Bug #13638 (Assigned): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
the error still happen chok yee fan

29 April 2022

02:31 PM Bug #13638 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
Released v1.0.0.15 SIT Megat AhmadSalehudin
02:31 PM Bug #13637 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
Released v1.0.0.15 SIT Megat AhmadSalehudin
02:31 PM Bug #13636 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Beautify Video - Name position in home page
Released v1.0.0.15 SIT Megat AhmadSalehudin
02:31 PM Bug #13635 (Pending SIT ): [MB] Beautify Video - Onboarding page
Released v1.0.0.15 SIT Megat AhmadSalehudin
02:31 PM Bug #13623 (Pending SIT ): IB - Input Placeholder same as Label
Released v1.0.0.15 SIT Megat AhmadSalehudin
02:31 PM Bug #13609 (Pending SIT ): IB - Buttons Standardized Right Bottom for whole app
Released v1.0.0.15 SIT Megat AhmadSalehudin
02:31 PM Feature #13584 (Pending SIT ): IB - Settings > Account Settings > Pay Mobile Account Copy from MB
Released v1.0.0.15 SIT Megat AhmadSalehudin

28 April 2022

02:13 AM Enhancement #13581 (Pending SIT ): Loans On-boarding
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
02:13 AM Bug #13580 (Pending SIT ): FD Withdrawal - Successful is not greed colour
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
02:13 AM Bug #13458 (Pending SIT ): Setting - Device & Notifications > miss align
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
02:13 AM Bug #13457 (Pending SIT ): Setting - Scheduled Payment Details skip giving error
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
01:06 AM Bug #13637 (Resolved): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
r217074 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-28 17:59:02 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showroo...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
04:32 PM Bug #13637 (Closed): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
1. Change the image for the deals for you, currently the image is stretched
2. Kindly change all 4 image
Ron Zheng Yuan Tan
01:06 AM Bug #13638: [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
*Note: Due to redmine title similar to #13637, wrong redmine updated.*
r217075 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-29 01:03...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
06:00 PM Bug #13638 (Resolved): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
r217074 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-28 17:59:02 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
05:57 PM Bug #13638: [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
Root Cause of the image stretch, the original pixel of the image is 400 X 267, while the UI component size is shorter... Hoo Dextor
04:47 PM Bug #13638 (Closed): [MB] Beautify Video - Change deals for you image
1. Open MB App
2. Click in Product tab
3. Click on Current/Savings
4. Click Apply
5. Input all mandatory fields
Ron Zheng Yuan Tan
05:37 PM Bug #13507 (Resolved): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input 0.00 Amount [IB-22]
weemeng.soh: Bug #13507 [IB][Transfer] Able to Input 0.00 Amount [IB-22] Wee Meng Soh
05:30 PM Bug #13636 (Resolved): [MB] Beautify Video - Name position in home page
r217073 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-28 17:29:05 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
04:30 PM Bug #13636 (Closed): [MB] Beautify Video - Name position in home page
1. Home page, move the name to the center, right now the naming slightly on top Ron Zheng Yuan Tan
05:11 PM Bug #13635 (Resolved): [MB] Beautify Video - Onboarding page
r217072 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-28 17:10:25 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
04:11 PM Bug #13635 (Closed): [MB] Beautify Video - Onboarding page
1. Onboarding
- Replace the logo with SilverBank
- R...
Ron Zheng Yuan Tan
01:54 PM Bug #13632 (Assigned): login using newly created user id after Credit Card on-boarding.
David Wong
12:58 PM Bug #13632 (Feedback): login using newly created user id after Credit Card on-boarding.
The entire process of Credit Card on-boarding was okay.
After login using user id assigned, was able to have landi...
Keat San Khor
01:45 PM Enhancement #13633 (Feedback): FD On-boarding
Performed FD on-boarding. Whole process completed until new on-line user id assigned.
When login to new user id, ...
Keat San Khor
01:19 PM Enhancement #13562 (Resolved): Credit Card On-Boarding
Keat San Khor
10:39 AM Bug #13623 (Resolved): IB - Input Placeholder same as Label
weemeng.soh: Bug #13623 IB - Input Placeholder same as Label Wee Meng Soh
09:30 AM Bug #13609 (Resolved): IB - Buttons Standardized Right Bottom for whole app
weemeng.soh: Bug #13609 IB - Buttons Standardized Right Bottom for whole app Wee Meng Soh

27 April 2022

10:23 AM Feature #13584 (Resolved): IB - Settings > Account Settings > Pay Mobile Account Copy from MB
weemeng.soh: Feature #13584 IB - Settings > Account Settings > Pay Mobile Account Copy from MB Wee Meng Soh

26 April 2022

03:48 PM Bug #13623 (Closed): IB - Input Placeholder same as Label
Input text placeholder is empty.
Input text placeholder same as label.
chok yee fan
12:48 PM Enhancement #13581 (Resolved): Loans On-boarding
r217001 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-26 12:46:35 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
12:02 PM Bug #13582 (Closed): IB - E-Fixed Deposit - Withdrawal - Confirmation page Success is not Green
tested ok chok yee fan
11:55 AM Bug #13582 (Pending SIT ): IB - E-Fixed Deposit - Withdrawal - Confirmation page Success is not G...
deployed chok yee fan
12:01 PM Bug #13583 (Closed): IB - Transfer - Loan payment - End page display success page instead of pop up
tested ok chok yee fan
11:55 AM Bug #13583 (Pending SIT ): IB - Transfer - Loan payment - End page display success page instead o...
deployed chok yee fan
10:47 AM Bug #13609 (Closed): IB - Buttons Standardized Right Bottom for whole app
Standard all buttons to bottom right for whole app chok yee fan

22 April 2022

06:16 PM Bug #13583 (Resolved): IB - Transfer - Loan payment - End page display success page instead of po...
weemeng.soh: Bug #13583 IB - Transfer - Loan payment - End page display success page instead of pop up Wee Meng Soh
09:58 AM Bug #13583 (Closed): IB - Transfer - Loan payment - End page display success page instead of pop up
Login > Left menu > Transfer > Loan Payment > fill in all the details > prompt pop...
chok yee fan
04:47 PM Bug #13582 (Resolved): IB - E-Fixed Deposit - Withdrawal - Confirmation page Success is not Green
weemeng.soh: Bug #13582 IB - E-Fixed Deposit - Withdrawal - Confirmation page Success is not Green
Note: Addition ...
Wee Meng Soh
09:55 AM Bug #13582 (Closed): IB - E-Fixed Deposit - Withdrawal - Confirmation page Success is not Green
Login > Left menu > E-Fixed Deposit > Withdrawal > fill in all the details > last ...
chok yee fan
04:37 PM Bug #13458 (Resolved): Setting - Device & Notifications > miss align
r216982 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-22 16:22:47 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
02:58 PM Bug #13457 (Resolved): Setting - Scheduled Payment Details skip giving error
r216981 | ahmadsalehudin | 2022-04-22 14:57:30 MYT
Changed paths:
M /Showroom/02_BaseProjects/BASE900/trunk/showro...
Megat AhmadSalehudin
11:40 AM Enhancement #13581 (Assigned): Loans On-boarding
This error was caused by, after user successfully call 'performDeviceTagging' API David Wong
10:05 AM Bug #13580 (Resolved): FD Withdrawal - Successful is not greed colour
Note: change status to resolved Wee Meng Soh
10:05 AM Bug #13580: FD Withdrawal - Successful is not greed colour
weemeng.soh: Bug #13580 FD Withdrawal - Successful is not greed colour Wee Meng Soh
10:04 AM Feature #13584 (Closed): IB - Settings > Account Settings > Pay Mobile Account Copy from MB
Settings -> Account Settings -> Pay Mobile Account chok yee fan
09:25 AM Bug #13385 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Complete Button Navigate Wrongly [IB-04]
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
09:24 AM Bug #13383 (Closed): [IB][Card Management] Unable to click Credit Card Icon [IB-01]
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen

21 April 2022

05:03 PM Bug #13506 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-21]
web deployed chok yee fan
05:03 PM Bug #13503 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Payment] Can Input Name Other Than Alphabet and special character...
web deployed chok yee fan
05:03 PM Bug #13500 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Payment] Amount Can Input With Other Than Number [IB-15]
web deployed chok yee fan
05:03 PM Bug #13499 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Payment] Account Number allow Special Characters [IB-Q-03]
web deployed chok yee fan
04:53 PM Feature #13485 (Pending SIT ): IB - Credit card > Fully Activate Card
chok yee fan
04:53 PM Bug #13482 (Pending SIT ): IB - Transfer - Loan payment
chok yee fan
04:53 PM Bug #13468 (Pending SIT ): IB - Transfer Own Account - end flow display success and reference no
chok yee fan
04:53 PM Bug #13467 (Pending SIT ): IB - Fixed Deposit - Withdrawal
chok yee fan
04:28 PM Enhancement #13581 (Pending SIT ): Loans On-boarding
Was able to create loan account and log in to account, using the user id created.
Was given the fund transfer scre...
Keat San Khor
02:02 PM Bug #13263 (Closed): Product Last page hit session timeout but display success page
tested ok chok yee fan
01:52 PM Bug #13277 (Closed): iOS header standard all the same
tested ok chok yee fan
01:51 PM Bug #13323 (Closed): When enter Tac page, Tac should auto focus
tested ok chok yee fan
01:51 PM Bug #13344 (Closed): Bill Payment > End flow download receipt no function
tested ok chok yee fan
01:49 PM Bug #13580 (Closed): FD Withdrawal - Successful is not greed colour
Login > Home > Left menu > e-Fixed Deposit > Withdrawal > fill in all the details ...
chok yee fan
12:03 PM Support #13381 (Closed): FD Withdrawal Web Service
tested ok chok yee fan
12:00 PM Bug #13442 (Closed): Split Bill > Click Proceed long time without show loading
tested ok chok yee fan
11:58 AM Bug #13450 (Closed): Fixed Deposit - Amount and details display different amount
tested ok chok yee fan
11:56 AM Bug #13457 (Feedback): Setting - Scheduled Payment Details skip giving error
Close button back to home page
Close button should back to "All Scheduled Paym...
chok yee fan
11:53 AM Bug #13458 (Feedback): Setting - Device & Notifications > miss align

Current Device and iPhone 7 padding is not align.
look at the image photo6271481219959074707.jpg
chok yee fan
11:48 AM Bug #13459 (Closed): Setting - Profile alignment
tested ok chok yee fan
11:47 AM Bug #13479 (Closed): Transfer - Loan repayment > Account Number change to dropdown
is dropdown chok yee fan
11:44 AM Feature #13486 (Closed): Credit Card > Fully Activate Card > Confirmation screen
tested ok chok yee fan

20 April 2022

07:33 PM Bug #13506 (Resolved): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-21]
weemeng.soh: Bug #13506 Bug [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-21] Wee Meng Soh
06:35 PM Bug #13503 (Resolved): [IB][Payment] Can Input Name Other Than Alphabet and special character ' a...
weemeng.soh: Bug #13503 [IB][Payment] Can Input Name Other Than Alphabet and special character ' and @ [IB-18] Wee Meng Soh
05:55 PM Bug #13500 (Resolved): [IB][Payment] Amount Can Input With Other Than Number [IB-15]
weemeng.soh: Bug #13500 [IB][Payment] Amount Can Input With Other Than Number [IB-15] Wee Meng Soh
05:49 PM Enhancement #13562 (Pending SIT ): Credit Card On-Boarding
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
01:22 PM Bug #13499 (Resolved): [IB][Payment] Account Number allow Special Characters [IB-Q-03]
weemeng.soh: Bug #13499 [IB][Payment] Account Number allow Special Characters [IB-Q-03]
Note: created validators.t...
Wee Meng Soh

18 April 2022

03:03 PM Bug #13499 (In Progress): [IB][Payment] Account Number allow Special Characters [IB-Q-03]
Wee Meng Soh
02:46 PM Enhancement #13562 (Resolved): Credit Card On-Boarding
For issue image-1.jpeg, we could not simulate this timeout, please complete the registration processing within the se... David Wong
02:18 PM Enhancement #13562 (Resolved): Credit Card On-Boarding
The whole on-boarding process was good but when it came to creating the online user id, we get a time out error messa... Keat San Khor

15 April 2022

03:49 AM Bug #13559 (Closed): [IB][All Modules] TAC Must be 6 Characters [IB-Q-04]
Steps to simulate:
1. Access any modules which require TAC
2. Enter TAC more than 6 character/less than 6 char
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:45 AM Bug #13558 (New): [IB][Edit Nickname] Try Without Internet Connection, Nothing happen. Should pop...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Edit Nickname
4. Input Edit Nickname
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:44 AM Bug #13557 (New): [IB][Change Email in App] Try Without Internet Connection, Nothing happen. Shou...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Change Email in App
4. Input Change Ema...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:43 AM Bug #13556 (Closed): [IB][Change Email in App] Input nothing in the field and click "Save Changes...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Change Email in APP
4. Click Save Chang...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:42 AM Bug #13555 (Closed): [IB][Change Email in App] Unable to Click Button "save Changes" on Menu Chan...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Change Email in APP
4. Input New Email ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:41 AM Bug #13554 (Closed): [IB][Top up] Without input anything on Menu Top Up and then enter "Next" but...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Top Up
2. Click Button Next
Issue: Without input anything enter "Next" button. Don...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:40 AM Bug #13553 (Closed): [IB][Transfer] Unable to click "Cancel" button in Transaction History Screen...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click History Menu
2.Click "Cancel" button

Issue : Unable to click "Cancel" button

Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:39 AM Bug #13552 (Closed): [IB][Transfer] Allow to Enter Unmatched Country and Phone Number in Telegrap...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer Dropdown List
2. Click Telegraphic Transfer Menu
3. Choose Country
4. In...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:38 AM Bug #13551 (Closed): [IB][Transfer] With Empty Fields Allow to Click Transfer Details button in T...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer Dropdown List
2. Click Telegraphic Transfer Menu
3. Choose Country
4. In...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:37 AM Bug #13550 (Feedback): [IB][Transfer] Based on Countries below Currecy Option Empty and Cant clic...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer Dropdown List
2. Click Telegraphic Transfer Menu
3. Choose Country - based on...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:36 AM Bug #13549 (Closed): [IB][Card Management] Allow to Input Minimum Amount in Request Increase In C...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Enter Request Increase In Credit Limit Temporary
3. Input Additiona...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:35 AM Bug #13548 (Closed): [IB][Card Management] Allow to Input Maximum Amount in Request Increase In C...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Enter Request Increase In Credit Limit Permenant
3. Input Additiona...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:34 AM Bug #13547 (New): [IB][Card Management] Allow to Enter Wrong maximum attempts TAC. [IB-66]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Enter Any Module
3. Input All Details
4. In Confirmation Screen In...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:33 AM Bug #13546 (New): [IB][Login] Allow to Enter repeated attempts to login with incorrect password(a...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Link:
2. Input UserID
3. In...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:32 AM Bug #13545 (New): [IB][Login] Allow to Enter wrong password [IB-63]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Link:
2. Input UserID
3. In...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:30 AM Bug #13544 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Can Input Negative Amount and Can Proceed On Payment [IB-60]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
2. Input Amount -0
3. Click Confirm
4. Click Pay Bills
Issue: Can Input...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:30 AM Bug #13543 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Payment] Can Input 0.00 Amount and Can Proceed On Payment [IB-59]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
2. Input Amount 0
3. Click Confirm
4. Click Pay Bills
Issue: Can Input ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:29 AM Bug #13542 (New): [IB][Payment] Check History after Payment , Not Appear on History [IB-58]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click History
2. Input Transaction Type
3. Input Status
4. Click Button Search
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:28 AM Bug #13541 (Closed): [IB][Settings] Allow Unlimited Characters in Change Password Menu [IB-57]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Input Unlimited Characters for...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:27 AM Bug #13540 (Closed): [IB][Settings] Not showing Validate under Each Field in Change Password Menu...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Input Nothing
4. Click P...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:26 AM Bug #13539 (New): [IB][Settings] Allow Input Old Password as New Password in Change Password Menu...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Input Old Password as New P...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:25 AM Bug #13538 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Allow to Input Space in All Password Field in Change Pa...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Input Space in All Password Fi...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:25 AM Bug #13537 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Incorrect Format in Change Password Menu [IB-53]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Input New Password and Retype ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:24 AM Bug #13536 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Allow different characters in all Password Field in Cha...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Input different character in R...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:23 AM Bug #13535 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Allow Special Character in Password Field in Change Pas...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Input Special Character Passwo...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:08 AM Bug #13534 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Add Visible and Hide Eye Icon in Password Field in Chan...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Password Menu
3. Oberver Each Field
Issue: ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:07 AM Bug #13533 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Title Modification in Change Limit Menu [IB-49]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Limit Menu
3. Input New Limit Amount
4. Click ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:06 AM Bug #13532 (New): [IB][Settings] Enter New Current Limit the Previous Current Limit is still appe...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Limit Menu
3. Input New Limit Amount
4. Click ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:05 AM Bug #13531 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Other Settings] Input More than Max Limit Amount.Able to proceed ...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Limit Menu
3. Input Maximum Amount
4. Click Ne...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:03 AM Bug #13530 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Without input TAC Enter "Submit" button. Allowing to Su...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Limit Menu
3. Input Amount
4. Click Next
5. C...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:02 AM Bug #13529 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Unable To Click Link Website On Contact Us [IB-45]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click Contact Us
3. Click Link
Unable To Click Li...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:01 AM Bug #13528 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Unable to Click Button "Back" in Change Limit Menu [IB-43]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Limit Menu
3. Input Amount
4. Click Next
5. C...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
03:00 AM Bug #13527 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Without Input Anything enter "Next" button able to proc...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Limit Menu
3. Input Nothing
4. Click Next
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:59 AM Bug #13526 (New): After Click 'x' for delete device on Devices and Notifcations show Error [IB-41]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click Device and Notifications
3. Click Symbol x
After Click X ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:57 AM Bug #13525 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Settings] Input Negative Amount and able to proceed to next scree...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Settings Dropdown List
2. Click Change Limit Menu
3. Input Negative Amount
4. Click N...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:56 AM Bug #13524 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Change Email In App] change email with just numeric [IB-39]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Change Email in APP
4. Input New Email J...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:55 AM Bug #13523 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Change Email In APP] Change email with any character on menu chan...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Change Email in APP
4. Input New Email wi...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:54 AM Bug #13522 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Edit Nickname] Edit Nickname Without filling in the fields No wor...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Edit Nickname
4. No Input Nickname
5. Cl...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:53 AM Bug #13521 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Edit Nickname] Edit Nickname With Any Character on menu Edit Nick...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Edit Nickname
4. Input Nickname
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:52 AM Bug #13520 (New): [IB][Switch Language] Unable to Click Button Switch Languange on Menu App Prefe...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Switch Language
Issue: Unable to Click ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:51 AM Bug #13519 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Edit Nickname] Unable to Click Button "save Changes" on Menu Edit...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click App Preferences
3. Click Edit Nickname
4. Input Nickname
5. Click...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:39 AM Bug #13518 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Card Management] Form Successfully Submitted Without Input Mandat...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Click Add Supplement Card Icon under Credit Card Services Dropdown
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:38 AM Bug #13517 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Card Management] Navigate to Confirmation screen In Update Contac...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Click Update Contact Info Icon under Credit Card Services Dropdown
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:36 AM Bug #13516 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Card Management] Allowing to Confirmation Screen in Request Incre...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Click Request Increase in Credit Limit (Temporary) Icon under Credit...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:35 AM Bug #13515 (Pending SIT ): [IB][Card Management] Special character Should Not Allowed for office ...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Click Request Increase in Credit Limit (Permanent) Icon under Credit...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:34 AM Bug #13514 (New): [IB][Settings] Not Showing Cancelled Payments Detail on My Scheduled Payments [...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click My Scheduled Payment
3. Click Cancelled Payments
Not Showi...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:33 AM Bug #13513 (New): [IB][Transfer] Not Showing Completed Payments Detail on My Scheduled Payments [...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click My Scheduled Payment
3. Click Completed Payments
Not Showi...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:32 AM Bug #13512 (New): [IB][Settings] Unable to Click Button Delete on Scheduled Payment Details (Pend...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click My Scheduled Payment
3. Click Pending Payments
4. Click Delete
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:20 AM Bug #13511 (New): [IB][Settings] Unable to Click Button Skip on Scheduled Payment Details (Pendin...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Setting
2. Click My Scheduled Payment
3. Click Pending Payments
4. Click Skip
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:19 AM Bug #13510 (New): [IB][Transfer] Check History after Transfer - 3rd Party, Not Appear on History ...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click 3rd Party
3. Input Transfer Other Account
4. Click Next
5. Click C...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:18 AM Bug #13509 (New): [IB][Transfer] Check History after Transfer - Own Account, Not Appear on Histor...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click Own Account
3. Input Transfer to Account, Transfer From Account, Amo...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:17 AM Bug #13508 (New): [IB][Transfer] Check Account Balance after Transfer - Own Account, wrong amount...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click Own Account
3. Input Transfer to Account, Transfer From Account, Amo...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:16 AM Bug #13507 (Closed): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input 0.00 Amount [IB-22]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click 3rd Party
3. Input 0.00 Amount
Able to Input 0.00 Amount ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
02:12 AM Bug #13506 (Closed): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-21]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click 3rd Party
3. Input Negative Amount
Able to Input Negative...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:36 PM Bug #13497 (Assigned): [IB][Payment] Favourite Bills Empty [IB-12]
Accidently changed status santhosh Krishna
05:29 PM Bug #13497 (In Progress): [IB][Payment] Favourite Bills Empty [IB-12]
santhosh Krishna
05:20 PM Bug #13497 (Assigned): [IB][Payment] Favourite Bills Empty [IB-12]
David Wong
10:19 AM Bug #13497 (Assigned): [IB][Payment] Favourite Bills Empty [IB-12]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
2. Input All fields payment
3. Click Confirm
4. Click Click TAC
5. Click A...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:36 PM Feature #13486 (Pending SIT ): Credit Card > Fully Activate Card > Confirmation screen
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13479 (Pending SIT ): Transfer - Loan repayment > Account Number change to dropdown
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13459 (Pending SIT ): Setting - Profile alignment
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13458 (Pending SIT ): Setting - Device & Notifications > miss align
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13457 (Pending SIT ): Setting - Scheduled Payment Details skip giving error
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13450 (Pending SIT ): Fixed Deposit - Amount and details display different amount
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Support #13381 (Pending SIT ): FD Withdrawal Web Service
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13323 (Pending SIT ): When enter Tac page, Tac should auto focus
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13277 (Pending SIT ): iOS header standard all the same
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:35 PM Bug #13263 (Pending SIT ): Product Last page hit session timeout but display success page
Released Showroom MY SIT in MY Wee Meng Soh
05:27 PM Bug #13502 (Assigned): [IB][Top Up] Unable to Click Reload Amount [IB-17]
David Wong
10:58 AM Bug #13502 (Assigned): [IB][Top Up] Unable to Click Reload Amount [IB-17]
Steps to simulate:
1. Login IB
2. Click Top Up
3. Click Reload Amount
Unable to Click Reload Amount
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:27 PM Bug #13501 (Assigned): [IB][Top Up] Empty Service Provider [IB-16]
David Wong
10:56 AM Bug #13501 (Assigned): [IB][Top Up] Empty Service Provider [IB-16]
Steps to simulate:
1. Login IB
2. Click Top Up
3. Select Service Provider
Empty Service Provider
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:27 PM Bug #13500 (Assigned): [IB][Payment] Amount Can Input With Other Than Number [IB-15]
David Wong
10:54 AM Bug #13500 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Amount Can Input With Other Than Number [IB-15]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
2. Input Amount
Issue: Can Input Amount Other Than Number
Expected Fixes:...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:27 PM Bug #13499 (Assigned): [IB][Payment] Account Number allow Special Characters [IB-Q-03]
David Wong
10:50 AM Bug #13499 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Account Number allow Special Characters [IB-Q-03]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
2. Insert Special Character for field Account Number
3. Proceed payment as usu...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:27 PM Bug #13495 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Transaction Money' [IB-09]
David Wong
10:11 AM Bug #13495 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Transaction Money' [IB-09]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click Manage Fav Recipients
3. Display Account Debit screen (wrong screen ...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:27 PM Bug #13494 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Wrong Screen for Manage Fav Recipients [IB-Q-01]
David Wong
10:06 AM Bug #13494 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Wrong Screen for Manage Fav Recipients [IB-Q-01]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click Manage Fav Recipients
Navigate to Account Debit screen
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:27 PM Bug #13492 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
David Wong
09:53 AM Bug #13492 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Unable to Click Button 'Find Out More' [IB-07]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click Manage Fav Recipients
3. Click Find Out More
Unable to Cl...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:27 PM Clarification #13387 (Assigned): [IB][Account] Loan/Financing Open HLB site [IB-05]
David Wong
05:27 PM Clarification #13386 (Assigned): [IB][Account] Term Deposit Open HLB site [IB-05]
David Wong
05:26 PM Clarification #13384 (Assigned): [IB][Card Management] Activate Online Purchase Icon Disable [IB-02]
David Wong
05:24 PM Bug #13505 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-19]
David Wong
01:07 PM Bug #13505: [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-19]
Same issue already raised before. Please reject/close this issue log. Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
01:05 PM Bug #13505 (Assigned): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-19]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click Own Account
3. Input Negative Amount
Able to Input Negati...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:23 PM Bug #13493 (Assigned): [IB][Payment] can't download receipt on FInal Screen Page [IB-08]
David Wong
09:55 AM Bug #13493 (Assigned): [IB][Payment] can't download receipt on FInal Screen Page [IB-08]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
2. Input All fields payment
3. Click Confirm
4. Input TAC
5. Click Downloa...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
05:20 PM Bug #13496 (Assigned): [IB][Card Mangement] Unable Proceed to Confirmation Screen in Update Conta...
David Wong
10:14 AM Bug #13496 (Assigned): [IB][Card Mangement] Unable Proceed to Confirmation Screen in Update Conta...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Card Management
2. Click Update Contact Info Icon
3. Input All fields of Contact Detai...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
11:17 AM Bug #13504 (New): [IB][Transfer] Able to Input Negative Amount [IB-19]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Transfer
2. Click Own Account
3. Input Negative Amount
Able to Input Negati...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
11:13 AM Bug #13503 (Closed): [IB][Payment] Can Input Name Other Than Alphabet and special character ' and...
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
2. Input Name
Issue: Can Input Name Other Than Alphabet and special charac...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen
10:41 AM Bug #13498 (New): [IB][Payment] Inconsistent Wording for Invoice Number and Payee field [IB-Q-02]
Steps to simulate:
1. Click Payment
1. Input screen use 'Account Number', Confirmation and Acknowledgemen...
Nor Khairun Aqila Jesmen

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