
From 29 February 2024 to 29 March 2024

22 March 2024

09:30 AM Pre-Development Feature #18864 (Closed): FE: Alert Messaging > Message Template > Template Type chok yee fan

21 March 2024

04:48 PM Pre-Development Feature #19296 (Closed): FE - React - Within module navigate different SPA chok yee fan

20 March 2024

01:51 PM Pre-Development Bug #19681 (Feedback): FE - React - topNavBar click menu refresh whole page
Nityanantan Nityanantan
01:51 PM Pre-Development Bug #20080: FE - React - No grant mleb system but allow access
Issue has been solve:
No grant mleb system is NOT allow access
Hazimi Muhammad
11:40 AM Pre-Development Bug #20081: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Alert message are remain at the form page after A...
Issue has been solved
Check For both org profile and department
Go to Organisation Profile page -> click Add bu...
Hazimi Muhammad
11:39 AM Pre-Development Bug #20038: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Missing Organisation form at accodian
Issue has been solve
Go to Organisation profile -> click search -> click data in the table -> click department tab...
Hazimi Muhammad
09:50 AM Pre-Development Bug #20054: FE - React - TopNavBar - Parent menu still show when no child menu
Issue has been fixed
navbar dropdown for all items is now hidden
Hazimi Muhammad
09:47 AM Pre-Development Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
Issue has been fixed
got no issue when testing by lick the search button and the error is now gone
Hazimi Muhammad
09:44 AM Pre-Development Bug #20036: FE - React - User Role - Issue when modify the form it will add new data
issue has been fixed
Go to User Role in the menu -> click search button -> click data in the table -> click modify...
Hazimi Muhammad

19 March 2024

03:20 PM Pre-Development Bug #20080 (Feedback): FE - React - No grant mleb system but allow access
nity- added protected navigation and filter sidebar data according to user role access
Nityanantan Nityanantan
03:04 PM Pre-Development Bug #20161 (Resolved): Naming errors in Ws code
already done .
Farid Nazmi
02:34 PM Pre-Development Bug #20161 (Resolved): Naming errors in Ws code
ACLRespBean returning "aclfunctionList", "aclsystemList" key (from *getACLFunctionAction* + *getACLSystemActi...
Amirul Umar Pandai
02:56 PM Pre-Development Feature #19203 (Resolved): FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile
Applied change for all checkbox trees to use status key instead of appending "selected" key when checking field. Remo... Amirul Umar Pandai

18 March 2024

04:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #20151: User Role Function - checked function code did not display properly
The issue already fixed.
Farid Nazmi
04:00 PM Pre-Development Bug #20151 (Resolved): User Role Function - checked function code did not display properly
The issue already fixed.
Farid Nazmi
03:51 PM Pre-Development Bug #20151 (Resolved): User Role Function - checked function code did not display properly
Back End Issue
- doesn't pass any indicator to front end for display the checked function code because the ...
Farid Nazmi

15 March 2024

09:32 AM Pre-Development Bug #20081 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation Profile - Alert message are remain at the form p...
Bug #20081: clear alert message on button click (org profile + department)
Amirul Umar Pandai

14 March 2024

05:10 PM Pre-Development Bug #19723 (Closed): FE - React - User Profile,Organisation Profile- Alert message are remain at ...
working as expected chok yee fan
05:10 PM Pre-Development Bug #20081 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation Profile - Alert message are remain at the form p...
Go to Organisation Profile page -> click Add button -> fill the form -> click save -> click Modify -> the mes...
chok yee fan
05:04 PM Pre-Development Bug #19714 (Closed): FE - React - Organisation profile - No alert message after save from departm...
working as expected chok yee fan
05:03 PM Pre-Development Feature #19682 (Closed): FE - React - Click error focus on field
working as expected chok yee fan
05:00 PM Pre-Development Bug #19668 (Closed): FE - React - Organisation profile - The alert message remain after click saved
working as expected chok yee fan
04:56 PM Pre-Development Bug #19332 (Closed): FE - React - Category Unable update status
working as expected chok yee fan
03:22 PM Pre-Development Bug #20080 (Feedback): FE - React - No grant mleb system but allow access
No grant mleb system allow access
No grant mleb system is NOT allow access
chok yee fan
02:55 PM Pre-Development Feature #19659: FE - React - Create share react project to share across with other project
Capital letter of folder name
lower case of folder name
chok yee fan
01:04 PM Pre-Development Bug #20038 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation Profile - Missing Organisation form at accodian
Bug #20038: retain "Organisation" field value on search/reset
Amirul Umar Pandai
11:49 AM Pre-Development Bug #20054 (Resolved): FE - React - TopNavBar - Parent menu still show when no child menu
Bug #20054: hide navbar dropdown if all items are hidden
Amirul Umar Pandai
10:09 AM Pre-Development Bug #20054 (Resolved): FE - React - TopNavBar - Parent menu still show when no child menu
Parent menu still show when no child menu
Should hide parent menu if no more chil...
chok yee fan

13 March 2024

03:38 PM Pre-Development Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
nity- Refactor removeEmptyStringField function to accept an array of fields to return empty string
Nityanantan Nityanantan
02:51 PM Pre-Development Feature #19954 (Resolved): ACL Function and System
Please follow the steps in the updated READMEs to unlock permissions for all systems (MLEB_IAM, MLEB_COMMON, MLEB_AM)... Amirul Umar Pandai
02:25 PM Pre-Development Bug #20036 (Feedback): FE - React - User Role - Issue when modify the form it will add new data
nity- Update UserRoleForm.tsx to disable user role name in view mode
Nityanantan Nityanantan
10:47 AM Pre-Development Bug #20036 (Assigned): FE - React - User Role - Issue when modify the form it will add new data
Hazimi Muhammad
01:49 PM Pre-Development Bug #19781: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Error when click table heading
Issue still not solve for
Set as default
Hazimi Muhammad
10:28 AM Pre-Development Bug #19781: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Error when click table heading
Already fix the issue regarding sorting. Back End issue .
Farid Nazmi
10:46 AM Pre-Development Bug #20025: FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form it will add new...
Issue has been solved
checked for both Mleb Syestem and Mleb Function
Go to Mleb Syestem in the menu -> click s...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:40 AM Pre-Development Bug #19836 (Feedback): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error after modify
Issue has been solve
Select Email Parameter Setting in the menu -> click search button -> select data in the table...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:39 AM Pre-Development Bug #19789 (Feedback): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - The status are missing after back f...
Issue has been fixed
Click Email Parameter Setting at the menu -> click Search button -> select data in the table ...
Hazimi Muhammad
09:59 AM Pre-Development Feature #19203: FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile
Finished integration with API
fix temp action req body (ORF + URF page)
Amirul Umar Pandai
09:58 AM Pre-Development Bug #19042: IAM > Organisation
Finished integration with API
fix temp action req body (ORF + URF page)
Amirul Umar Pandai

12 March 2024

04:37 PM Pre-Development Feature #18610: Alert Messaging > Mobile Push Notification Setting
New Module - Currently onHold Zaid Haritsah
04:22 PM Pre-Development Bug #19781 (Assigned): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Error when click table heading
Zaid Haritsah
03:33 PM Pre-Development Bug #20036 (Resolved): FE - React - User Role - Issue when modify the form it will add new data
Please change the modify function for RoleName field to Read-Only. RoleName is the PK for userRole table and should n... Zaid Haritsah
01:38 PM Pre-Development Bug #20036 (Feedback): FE - React - User Role - Issue when modify the form it will add new data

Issue :
Go to User Role in the menu -> click search button -> click data in the table -> click modify button -...
Hazimi Muhammad
02:43 PM Pre-Development Bug #20025 (Feedback): FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form it w...
nity- disable modify for function id.
Nityanantan Nityanantan
09:53 AM Pre-Development Bug #20025 (In Progress): FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form i...
Issue not fix for Mleb function Hazimi Muhammad
01:53 PM Pre-Development Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
as per discuss, cannot put at axios. create another method, or let the caller to decide pass in null or "" chok yee fan
01:52 PM Pre-Development Bug #20038 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation Profile - Missing Organisation form at accodian
Go to Organisation profile -> click search -> click data in the table -> click department tab -> click sear...
Hazimi Muhammad
01:46 PM Pre-Development Bug #20037 (New): FE - React - User Profile - Got error 500 when add new data
This Issue happen when modify the security policy for example "lower Case" = null
Click User Profile a...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:13 AM Pre-Development Bug #19836 (Resolved): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error after modify
already tested out and the issue already resolve Farid Nazmi

11 March 2024

05:13 PM Pre-Development Bug #20025 (Feedback): FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form it w...
nity- disable system code modification
Nityanantan Nityanantan
05:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #20025 (In Progress): FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form i...
Confirmed with business that the system code cannot be updated once created. other fields is modifiable.
solution ...
Zaid Haritsah
11:36 AM Pre-Development Bug #20025 (Feedback): FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form it w...
Issue :
Go to Mleb Syestem in the menu -> click search button -> click data in the table -> click modify button ->...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:47 PM Pre-Development Bug #19755 (Feedback): FE - React - Message Template - No validation for mandatory form
Issue has been solve
Go to template type -> Click search button -> Click Add button -> click MLEB System or Messag...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:48 AM Pre-Development Bug #19755 (Resolved): FE - React - Message Template - No validation for mandatory form
Farid Nazmi
10:48 AM Pre-Development Bug #19755: FE - React - Message Template - No validation for mandatory form
already fixed the issue , root cause : incorrect mandatory field setup in the backend and also incorrect field call i... Farid Nazmi
10:43 AM Pre-Development Bug #19755 (In Progress): FE - React - Message Template - No validation for mandatory form
Farid Nazmi
04:28 PM Pre-Development Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
Issue has been fixed
Test for all pages by :
click the search button and the error is now gone
Hazimi Muhammad
02:53 PM Pre-Development Bug #20005 (Feedback): Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
nity- replace Empty String to Null
Nityanantan Nityanantan
11:15 AM Pre-Development Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
Found that the default value is set to be empty string as react feature under react hook form.
proposed solution -...
Zaid Haritsah
04:25 PM Pre-Development Bug #19332 (Feedback): FE - React - Category Unable update status
Issue has been fixed
This is the result that status already "A"
Hazimi Muhammad
10:06 AM Pre-Development Bug #19332: FE - React - Category Unable update status
please test it will cause any issue or not chok yee fan
04:21 PM Pre-Development Bug #20003 (Feedback): FE - React - User profile -Got error when click search button
Issue has been solve
Go to User Profile at the menu -> click search button -> got no error
Hazimi Muhammad
09:47 AM Pre-Development Bug #20003 (Resolved): FE - React - User profile -Got error when click search button
Zaid Haritsah
09:47 AM Pre-Development Bug #20003: FE - React - User profile -Got error when click search button
The issue was having some syntax issue. Resolved
Zaid Haritsah
04:14 PM Pre-Development Feature #19105: FE&BE File upload handling
File upload can be found in Organisation Profile module as (screenshot) Hazimi Muhammad
09:53 AM Pre-Development Bug #19045 (In Progress): IAM > MLEB system
Completed and updated the mleb system module. Added the generic tree features to support the latest requirement.
Zaid Haritsah

08 March 2024

05:40 PM Pre-Development Bug #19789 (Resolved): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - The status are missing after back f...
Already fixed
the root cause is because the search form is not storing in the cache , adding fixedCacheKey: "shar...
Farid Nazmi
02:38 PM Pre-Development Bug #19832: FE - React - User Profile/ organisation profile - Difference date layout
Issue has been solve
The date between User Profile and Organisation Profile form are now same
Hazimi Muhammad
01:33 PM Pre-Development Bug #19832 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile/ organisation profile - Difference date layout
nity- streamline the date form in organisation profile form
Nityanantan Nityanantan
09:30 AM Pre-Development Bug #19728 (Feedback): FE - React - Message Template - The reset button are not working
Issue has been solve.
Go to template type -> fill the form -> Click reset button -> the form should been cleared
Hazimi Muhammad

07 March 2024

05:14 PM Pre-Development Bug #19728 (Resolved): FE - React - Message Template - The reset button are not working
Already fixed
Farid Nazmi
03:19 PM Pre-Development Bug #19757 (Feedback): FE - React - Organisation profile ,User Role , Message Template - Got erro...
Issue has been solve
Been check for
Organisation profile ,
User Role ,
Message Template
Go to Organisati...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:10 PM Pre-Development Bug #19757 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation profile ,User Role , Message Template - Got erro...
Managed to troubleshoot and fix the issue in Message Template.
There was an issue with existing message template ...
Zaid Haritsah
02:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #19757: FE - React - Organisation profile ,User Role , Message Template - Got error when sear...
Managed to replicate the issue mentioned and fixed the searchAction for UserRole page.
Zaid Haritsah
03:18 PM Pre-Development Bug #19727 (Feedback): FE - React - Message Template - Got error when call SearchAction WS
Issue has been solve
Go to template type -> Click search button -> the table will be there and can call the Searc...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #19727 (Resolved): FE - React - Message Template - Got error when call SearchAction WS
Farid Nazmi
10:33 AM Pre-Development Bug #19727 (In Progress): FE - React - Message Template - Got error when call SearchAction WS
Issue are not solve.
still got the error.
Go to template type -> Click search button -> the error me...
Hazimi Muhammad
09:36 AM Pre-Development Bug #19727: FE - React - Message Template - Got error when call SearchAction WS
already fixed the issue was regarding the search criteria where it not set as arraylist in the processWhereParam. Farid Nazmi
03:16 PM Pre-Development Bug #19966 (Feedback): FE - React - User Role - Bug for MLEB System and User Role form
Issue has been solve
Click User Role at the menu -> click add button -> click the form -> the Mleb system form dr...
Hazimi Muhammad
02:51 PM Pre-Development Bug #19966 (Resolved): FE - React - User Role - Bug for MLEB System and User Role form
fix User Role page integration
Amirul Umar Pandai
03:11 PM Pre-Development Bug #19047 (Closed): IAM > User Role
Zaid Haritsah
09:10 AM Pre-Development Bug #19047 (Assigned): IAM > User Role
chok yee fan
09:10 AM Pre-Development Bug #19047: IAM > User Role
related to chok yee fan
03:10 PM Pre-Development Bug #19984: FE - React - Security Policy - Not handling the error message
Issue has been solve
Click the Security policy at the menu -> click modify button -> modify the form -> click sav...
Hazimi Muhammad
01:57 PM Pre-Development Bug #19984 (Feedback): FE - React - Security Policy - Not handling the error message
nity- Security Policy error handle
Nityanantan Nityanantan
03:06 PM Pre-Development Feature #18621 (Resolved): FE - React - Tree View for module User Role
Tree view implemented. Pending Ws for integration Amirul Umar Pandai
03:04 PM Pre-Development Bug #19955 (Resolved): User Role dataEntryForm returning error
User Role form page fully integrated Amirul Umar Pandai
01:47 PM Pre-Development Feature #19989 (Resolved): User Role assign enhancement
Amirul Umar Pandai
10:44 AM Pre-Development Feature #19989 (In Progress): User Role assign enhancement
Created the enhanced function for "searchUserProfileAssigmentAction" and 2 new views as the user role assign will be ... Zaid Haritsah
11:24 AM Pre-Development Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
JSON Body by Reach on User Profile Create Action
"userProfileEntity": {
"catId": "3",
"departmentId": "1...
Zaid Haritsah
11:22 AM Pre-Development Bug #20005 (Feedback): Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
blank space(" ") != null issue

front end(react) will send all empty fields as empty string("") to backend instead...
Zaid Haritsah
10:55 AM Pre-Development Bug #19988 (Resolved): User Role - Create and Modify services error
Farid Nazmi
10:54 AM Pre-Development Bug #19988: User Role - Create and Modify services error
the error cause because of unsual character in the request body, already fix syntax in the request body :
req body...
Farid Nazmi
10:51 AM Pre-Development Bug #20004 (Resolved): User Role search results not returning orgId field
Farid Nazmi
10:50 AM Pre-Development Bug #20004: User Role search results not returning orgId field
already fix by adding orgId field since there was an update regarding user role table (adding orgId column)
Farid Nazmi
10:30 AM Pre-Development Bug #20004 (Resolved): User Role search results not returning orgId field
Affected Ws: /userRoleWs/searchAction (userRoleSearchResults field)
Amirul Umar Pandai
10:08 AM Pre-Development Bug #20003 (Feedback): FE - React - User profile -Got error when click search button
Issue :
Go to User Profile at the menu -> click search button -> got error as screenshot
Hazimi Muhammad

06 March 2024

04:38 PM Pre-Development Bug #19945: FE - React - User Category - Missing validation for status
Issue already solve.
Click User Category in the manu -> click add button -> click status form -> click s...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:36 PM Pre-Development Bug #19996: FE - React - User Category , User profile . Email Parameter Setting - Need to prone v...
Issue has been solve
Already check for all module except for User role and Message template.
Click user catego...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:22 PM Pre-Development Bug #19996 (Feedback): FE - React - User Category , User profile . Email Parameter Setting - Need...
nity - prompt after validation
Nityanantan Nityanantan
11:31 AM Pre-Development Bug #19996 (Feedback): FE - React - User Category , User profile . Email Parameter Setting - Need...
This issue cannot be stimulate for User role and Message template.
Click user category at the manu -> cl...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #19944 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Te...
Farid Nazmi
03:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #19944: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Template,Emai...
already fixed and remove the return total count in DaoImpl :
IAM git commit:
Farid Nazmi
10:48 AM Pre-Development Bug #19944 (In Progress): FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message...
Farid Nazmi
02:39 PM Pre-Development Bug #19983: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Duplicate when fill the password form
Issue has been solve
Click the Email Parameter Setting at the menu -> click add button -> fill the password form -...
Hazimi Muhammad
02:14 PM Pre-Development Feature #19954: ACL Function and System
4. assigning user access role
ws name : saveUserAccessRoleAction
api path : /api/userRoleWs/saveUserAccessRoleAc...
Farid Nazmi
10:03 AM Pre-Development Feature #19954: ACL Function and System
3. assigning user role function
a) *saving to urf temp table*
web service for check/uncheck action (checkbox l...
Farid Nazmi
11:05 AM Pre-Development Bug #19789 (In Progress): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - The status are missing after bac...
Farid Nazmi
11:00 AM Pre-Development Bug #19896 (Closed): FE - React - SideBar - The sidebar cannot close issue
working as expected chok yee fan
10:22 AM Pre-Development Bug #19901 (Closed): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Validation not being handle
working as expected chok yee fan
10:13 AM Pre-Development Bug #19937 (Closed): FE - React - Topbar - The topbar cannot close issue
working as expected chok yee fan
10:11 AM Pre-Development Bug #19949 (Closed): FE - React - User Profile - Error for organisation form
working as expected chok yee fan
10:09 AM Pre-Development Bug #19960 (Closed): FE - React - Issue on need to combine the i and a
search the code, the <Can> only pass in 1 param chok yee fan

05 March 2024

05:16 PM Pre-Development Feature #19954: ACL Function and System
2. adding user role
ws name : createAction
api path : /api/userRoleWs/createAction
req body :
Farid Nazmi
04:48 PM Pre-Development Feature #19954: ACL Function and System
Here are the details step
1. adding user system assignment ( user system data )
ws : api/mlebSystemWs/saveUser...
Farid Nazmi
09:44 AM Pre-Development Feature #19954: ACL Function and System
to test the ACL WS in your local,
you will need to setup adding data first in:
1. user system ( details info is b...
Farid Nazmi
05:03 PM Pre-Development Feature #19989 (Resolved): User Role assign enhancement
_*Affected Ws:*_
+createAction+ + +updateAction+
Amirul Umar Pandai
04:18 PM Pre-Development Bug #19983 (Feedback): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Duplicate when fill the password form
nity - fix duplicate react hook form password
Nityanantan Nityanantan
02:26 PM Pre-Development Bug #19983 (Feedback): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Duplicate when fill the password form
Issue :
Click the Email Parameter Setting at the menu -> click add button -> fill the password form -> cannot type...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:34 PM Pre-Development Bug #19988 (Resolved): User Role - Create and Modify services error
"JSON parse error: Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0xa0; nested exception is
"path": "/api/userRoleWs/createAction",
Zaid Haritsah
03:27 PM Pre-Development Bug #19960 (Feedback): FE - React - Issue on need to combine the i and a
Issue has been solve.
Already check for all page cc_iam,cc_am and common
Hazimi Muhammad
03:14 PM Pre-Development Bug #19668 (Feedback): FE - React - Organisation profile - The alert message remain after click s...
Issue has been solve
Due to no need to navigate to search page . its should navigate and give the alert message at...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:11 PM Pre-Development Bug #19714 (Feedback): FE - React - Organisation profile - No alert message after save from depar...
Issue has been solve
Click Organisation profile -> click search button -> select item on the table -> click depart...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:07 PM Pre-Development Bug #19757: FE - React - Organisation profile ,User Role , Message Template - Got error when sear...
Fix for Organisation profile but cannot stimulate for User Role and Message Template
Go to organisation profile ...
Hazimi Muhammad
02:48 PM Pre-Development Bug #19757 (In Progress): FE - React - Organisation profile ,User Role , Message Template - Got e...
Managed to fix the issue by updating the code as there is logical and syntax error in the method and query.
Zaid Haritsah
02:56 PM Pre-Development Bug #19985: FE - React - Change file structure for Docker
Issue has been solve:
the file structure has been change.
Hazimi Muhammad
02:44 PM Pre-Development Bug #19985 (Feedback): FE - React - Change file structure for Docker
nity- change the file structure for docker
Nityanantan Nityanantan
02:41 PM Pre-Development Bug #19985 (Feedback): FE - React - Change file structure for Docker
Change the file structure for all module
Hazimi Muhammad
02:55 PM Pre-Development Bug #19047 (Resolved): IAM > User Role
Zaid Haritsah
02:54 PM Pre-Development Bug #19889 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile - got error when add new data
Issue has been test and now working
Go to User profile page -> click Add button -> fill the form -> click save b...
Hazimi Muhammad
02:32 PM Pre-Development Bug #19984 (Feedback): FE - React - Security Policy - Not handling the error message
Click the Security policy at the menu -> click modify button -> modify the form -> check the network -> got...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:56 AM Pre-Development Bug #19835 (Resolved): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error 500 when add new data
Already tested out and everythings work fine
Farid Nazmi
10:25 AM Pre-Development Feature #19682: FE - React - Click error focus on field
Already implement for all modules Hazimi Muhammad
10:24 AM Pre-Development Feature #19682: FE - React - Click error focus on field
nity - previous commit validation for all modules
Nityanantan Nityanantan
10:10 AM Pre-Development Feature #19682: FE - React - Click error focus on field
apply for all modules chok yee fan
10:09 AM Pre-Development Bug #19673 (Closed): FE - React - User Profile,Organisation Profile, Mleb System- Alert message a...
working as expected chok yee fan
10:03 AM Pre-Development Feature #19149 (Closed): FE - React - Create microfrontend cc_am
working as expected chok yee fan
10:02 AM Pre-Development Feature #19145 (Closed): FE - React - Create microfrontend cc_common
working as expected chok yee fan
10:01 AM Pre-Development Feature #18865 (Closed): FE: Alert Messaging > Email Parameter Setting
use other redmine to track chok yee fan
10:00 AM Pre-Development Feature #18609 (Closed): Alert Messaging > Email Parameter Setting
close using other redmine to track chok yee fan
09:50 AM Pre-Development Feature #18621: FE - React - Tree View for module User Role
the WS for tree already provided in other redmine and already give the info
Farid Nazmi

04 March 2024

04:30 PM Pre-Development Feature #19663 (Feedback): FE - React - Deploy into Docker environment and able to browse
Already test by installing the docker,
yarn docker:build and yarn docker:up
Cannot find any issue.
Hazimi Muhammad
03:51 PM Pre-Development Feature #19663 (Resolved): FE - React - Deploy into Docker environment and able to browse
nity- Fixed Docker proxy pass and update readme
Nityanantan Nityanantan
04:25 PM Pre-Development Feature #18865: FE: Alert Messaging > Email Parameter Setting
Issue has been solve
Hazimi Muhammad
04:13 PM Pre-Development Feature #18865 (Feedback): FE: Alert Messaging > Email Parameter Setting
Nityanantan Nityanantan
04:17 PM Pre-Development Feature #18609: Alert Messaging > Email Parameter Setting
This is the old redmine that has been solve Hazimi Muhammad
02:58 PM Pre-Development Bug #19714 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation profile - No alert message after save from depar...
Bug #19668 + #19714: fix alert message (org profile, department form pages)
Amirul Umar Pandai
02:58 PM Pre-Development Bug #19668 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation profile - The alert message remain after click s...
Bug #19668 + #19714: fix alert message (org profile, department form pages)
Amirul Umar Pandai
02:20 PM Pre-Development Bug #19896 (Feedback): FE - React - SideBar - The sidebar cannot close issue
Issue has been solve
Click the side bar at the top left -> navigate to any page -> the sidebar should close
Hazimi Muhammad
01:33 PM Pre-Development Bug #19896 (Resolved): FE - React - SideBar - The sidebar cannot close issue
*layout-shared* library issue. git pull latest for *mleb-core* project and reinstall package from *cc_iam* folder _(r... Amirul Umar Pandai
02:17 PM Pre-Development Bug #19937 (Feedback): FE - React - Topbar - The topbar cannot close issue
Issue has been solve
now the submanu bar can be close
Click the topbar at the top right -> click Subsystem ->. ...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:34 AM Pre-Development Bug #19937 (Resolved): FE - React - Topbar - The topbar cannot close issue
Bug #19937: fix submenu item not closing navbar
Amirul Umar Pandai
10:29 AM Pre-Development Bug #19937 (In Progress): FE - React - Topbar - The topbar cannot close issue
Click the topbar at the top right -> click Subsystem ->. click alert message -> the topbar are not close
Hazimi Muhammad
01:48 PM Pre-Development Bug #19961 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile - Error for identification number
The identification number is now not mandatory
click user profile page -> click add button -> fill the form with e...
Hazimi Muhammad
01:39 PM Pre-Development Bug #19949 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile - Error for organisation form
issue has been solve
Go to User profile page -> click search button -> select any data from the table -> the organ...
Hazimi Muhammad
11:27 AM Pre-Development Feature #19149 (Feedback): FE - React - Create microfrontend cc_am
Already pull and npm install for all project
no issue found.
Hazimi Muhammad
11:26 AM Pre-Development Feature #19145 (Feedback): FE - React - Create microfrontend cc_common
Already pull and npm install for all project
no issue found.
Hazimi Muhammad
11:21 AM Pre-Development Bug #19944: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Template,Emai...
search action ws do not return to FE. chok yee fan
10:26 AM Pre-Development Bug #19723 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile,Organisation Profile- Alert message are remain a...
Issue has been solve
There is no more message after come back from search page
Go to User profile page -> click...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:20 AM Pre-Development Bug #19849 (Feedback): FE - React - Organisation Profile - No validation for email
Issue has been solve
Go to Organisation Profile -> click add button -> fill the email without "" -> clic...
Hazimi Muhammad
10:16 AM Pre-Development Bug #19966 (Feedback): FE - React - User Role - Bug for MLEB System and User Role form
Click User Role at the menu -> click add button -> click the form -> the Mleb system form dropdown are not ...
Hazimi Muhammad

01 March 2024

04:53 PM Pre-Development Bug #19960 (Resolved): FE - React - Issue on need to combine the i and a
You can test by modifying the funcList in App.tsx, or the Can component parameter in *Action.tsx file
e.g. from
Amirul Umar Pandai
02:37 PM Pre-Development Bug #19960 (Closed): FE - React - Issue on need to combine the i and a

Go to BusinessConstitutionAction.tsx and at line 22 got
Hazimi Muhammad
04:35 PM Pre-Development Bug #19945 (Resolved): FE - React - User Category - Missing validation for status
Issue already fixed. Adding status to the mandatory field in user category
Farid Nazmi
04:29 PM Pre-Development Bug #19961 (In Progress): FE - React - User Profile - Error for identification number
Confirmed the issue with business and David to remove the NRIC from mandatory field list.
Zaid Haritsah
04:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #19961 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile - Error for identification number
click user profile page -> click add button -> fill the form with existing identification number -> click s...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:25 PM Pre-Development Bug #19047: IAM > User Role
The root cause for the issue already found in BE. there is no user profile data in the user profile table same as the... Farid Nazmi
03:32 PM Pre-Development Bug #19949 (Resolved): FE - React - User Profile - Error for organisation form
nity- fix styling issue for organisation dropdown in user profile
Nityanantan Nityanantan
01:45 PM Pre-Development Bug #19809 (Closed): FE - React - cc_iam - Remove the Message Template and Email Parameter Setting.
working as expected chok yee fan
12:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #19955 (In Progress): User Role dataEntryForm returning error
Already checked with Umar and resolved the dataEntryForm where "userProfileDao.findById(SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserL... Zaid Haritsah
11:46 AM Pre-Development Bug #19955 (Resolved): User Role dataEntryForm returning error
User Role dataEntryForm Ws returning following error response:...
Amirul Umar Pandai
10:40 AM Pre-Development Bug #19889: FE - React - User Profile - got error when add new data
Already done checking with Hazimi and FE team on the issue. after multiple troubleshooting, the error seems not comin... Zaid Haritsah
10:38 AM Pre-Development Feature #19954: ACL Function and System
ACL System List Web Service
Farid Nazmi
10:37 AM Pre-Development Feature #19954 (In Progress): ACL Function and System
ACL Function List Web Service
Farid Nazmi
10:18 AM Pre-Development Feature #19954 (Resolved): ACL Function and System
Prepare Web service for ACL to be pass to front end :
2 ws in the acl
- ACL Function
- ACL System
Farid Nazmi
10:00 AM Pre-Development Bug #19673 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile,Organisation Profile, Mleb System- Alert message...
Issue has been fixed.
Go to User profile page -> click search -> select data in the table -> click modify -> modif...
Hazimi Muhammad
09:51 AM Pre-Development Bug #19756 (Feedback): FE - React - User Profile,Organisation Profile,Business constitution, Mleb...
Issue has been solve.
Go to User profile page -> click search button -> select any data from the table -> click Mo...
Hazimi Muhammad

29 February 2024

05:09 PM Pre-Development Bug #19949 (Closed): FE - React - User Profile - Error for organisation form
Issue :
Go to User profile page -> click search button -> select any data from the table -> the organisation form ...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:56 PM Pre-Development Bug #19824 (Feedback): FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Category - Got double confirmation...
Issue has been solve.
Cannot stimulate for user profile, Message Template and User Role
Click Organisation prof...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:55 PM Pre-Development Bug #19816 (Feedback): FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message T...
Issue has been solve.
Cannot stimulate for user profile, Message Template and User Role
Click Organisation pro...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:25 PM Pre-Development Feature #19682 (Feedback): FE - React - Click error focus on field
Issue has been fixed
click user profile at the menu -> click add button -> click save button -> the error massage ...
Hazimi Muhammad
04:01 PM Pre-Development Bug #19945 (Resolved): FE - React - User Category - Missing validation for status

The status form had no mandatory
Status form should have mandatory
Hazimi Muhammad
03:53 PM Pre-Development Feature #19674 (Feedback): FE - React - Environment handling
Issue has been fixed.
Already check for package json for:
Hazimi Muhammad
03:52 PM Pre-Development Bug #19901 (Feedback): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Validation not being handle
Issue has been fixed.
Click Email Parameter Setting at the menu -> click Add button -> click save -> the error h...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:51 PM Pre-Development Feature #19203 (In Progress): FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile
Farid Nazmi
11:31 AM Pre-Development Feature #19203: FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile
web services for save button ( final save into original user role function table )
ws name : saveFunctionCodeActi...
Farid Nazmi
11:28 AM Pre-Development Feature #19203: FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile
web service for check/uncheck action (checkbox live fire)
ws name : saveFunctionCodeTempAction
api path : /api/us...
Farid Nazmi
11:25 AM Pre-Development Feature #19203: FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile
web services for view tree hierarchy user role function
ws name : viewFunctionCodeTreeAction
api path : /api/use...
Farid Nazmi
03:50 PM Pre-Development Bug #19899 (Feedback): FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - numeric validation error not handled
Issue has been fixed:
Click Email Parameter Setting at the menu -> click Add button -> enter a letter for Number o...
Hazimi Muhammad
03:31 PM Pre-Development Bug #19944 (Resolved): FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Te...

This issue happen on Organisation Profile,User Category ,Email Parameter Setting
but i cannot stimulate for Use...
Hazimi Muhammad
02:26 PM Pre-Development Feature #19149 (Resolved): FE - React - Create microfrontend cc_am
Please git pull latest for all apps, including mleb-core, then yarn install for each project
implement ccc...
Amirul Umar Pandai
02:24 PM Pre-Development Feature #19145 (Resolved): FE - React - Create microfrontend cc_common
Please git pull latest for all apps, including mleb-core, then yarn install for each project
implement ccc...
Amirul Umar Pandai
11:59 AM Pre-Development Bug #19937 (Resolved): FE - React - Topbar - The topbar cannot close issue
Bug #19937: collapse navbar on click link
Amirul Umar Pandai
10:38 AM Pre-Development Bug #19937 (Closed): FE - React - Topbar - The topbar cannot close issue
Click the topbar at the top right -> navigate to any page -> the topbar are not close
Hazimi Muhammad

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