Feature #19890: BEFE - retrieve mleb system base on the user for ACL top nav bar Bug #19921: FE - React - Remove alert Bug #19926: BE - Org Profile - No filter for Registration Number (regNumber) Feature #18606: Integration Feature #18610: Alert Messaging > Mobile Push Notification Setting Feature #18621: FE - React - Tree View for module User Role Feature #18611: Alert Messaging > Message Template Feature #18687: Alert Messaging > Message Template > Template Type Feature #18802: Question Bank Bug #19042: IAM > Organisation Bug #19045: IAM > MLEB system Feature #19989: User Role assign enhancement Feature #19054: survey form Bug #19075: FE - React - Rerender the children after language changed Feature #19105: FE&BE File upload handling Feature #19121: Job Scheduler Feature #19142: FE - React - Add to list handling Feature #19203: FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile Feature #19303: FE - React - Session expired show session timeout page/message Feature #19554: FE - React - Lazy load on tab Feature #19659: FE - React - Create share react project to share across with other project Feature #19663: FE - React - Deploy into Docker environment and able to browse Feature #19674: FE - React - Environment handling Bug #19681: FE - React - topNavBar click menu refresh whole page Bug #19726: FE - React - Message Template - Cannot fill the Template Type form Bug #19727: FE - React - Message Template - Got error when call SearchAction WS Bug #19728: FE - React - Message Template - The reset button are not working Bug #19739: FE - React - MLEB System - User profile tab, table cannot be display Bug #19750: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Missing Modify button Bug #19751: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Bug for "Email Connection Description" form Bug #19755: FE - React - Message Template - No validation for mandatory form Bug #19756: FE - React - User Profile,Organisation Profile,Business constitution, Mleb System, Mleb Function - Alert message are remain after Modify and back with breadcrumb Bug #19757: FE - React - Organisation profile ,User Role , Message Template - Got error when search the search criteria form Bug #19781: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Error when click table heading Bug #19789: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - The status are missing after back from form page Bug #19792: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Got error for calling ws if click "next" pagination Bug #19810: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Wording error for "server" Bug #19816: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Template,Email Parameter Setting User Role - Add function navigation issue Bug #19824: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Category - Got double confirmation popup after click save Bug #19832: FE - React - User Profile/ organisation profile - Difference date layout Bug #19835: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error 500 when add new data Bug #19836: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error after modify Bug #19838: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Issue on wording are not translate Bug #19849: FE - React - Organisation Profile - No validation for email Bug #19851: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error when change the language Bug #19889: FE - React - User Profile - got error when add new data Bug #19897: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile, User Category , Message Template,Email Parameter Setting User Role - Breadcrumb for add page issue Bug #19899: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - numeric validation error not handled Bug #19944: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Template,Email Parameter Setting User Role - Pagination not update issue Bug #19945: FE - React - User Category - Missing validation for status Feature #19954: ACL Function and System Bug #19955: User Role dataEntryForm returning error Bug #19961: FE - React - User Profile - Error for identification number Bug #19966: FE - React - User Role - Bug for MLEB System and User Role form Bug #19983: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Duplicate when fill the password form Bug #19984: FE - React - Security Policy - Not handling the error message Bug #19985: FE - React - Change file structure for Docker Bug #19988: User Role - Create and Modify services error Bug #19996: FE - React - User Category , User profile . Email Parameter Setting - Need to prone validation error first before confirmation to save Bug #20003: FE - React - User profile -Got error when click search button Bug #20004: User Role search results not returning orgId field Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile Bug #20025: FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form it will add new data Bug #20036: FE - React - User Role - Issue when modify the form it will add new data Bug #20037: FE - React - User Profile - Got error 500 when add new data Bug #20038: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Missing Organisation form at accodian Bug #20054: FE - React - TopNavBar - Parent menu still show when no child menu Bug #20080: FE - React - No grant mleb system but allow access Bug #20081: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Alert message are remain at the form page after Add/Save Bug #20151: User Role Function - checked function code did not display properly Bug #20161: Naming errors in Ws code
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