

Zoom in Zoom out

months from Apply Clear

The chart was truncated because it exceeds the maximum number of items that can be displayed (500)

Clarification #12936: [DEV - BackOffice] Merchant Category Selection during Add Merchant
Bug #13113: [VST - Backoffice] Bill History View Detail display
Bug #13150: [VST - Backoffice] EPSCO Bill Payment Service Report content
Enhancement #14346: [UAT - API] Data Migration_New Report Path
Bug #13047: [Responsive] Issues on Card Info Update module
Bug #19107: AIA Liveness - Portal not displaying record
Bug #19108: AIA Liveness - The camera did not get activated
Bug #19110: AIA Liveness - Liveness Report
Bug #19144: AIA Liveness - Include Acceptance of Specific Channel
Bug #17761: SDK - Demographic SDK failed calling
Bug #17768: Video Upload SDK - after upload the 'Video Status' still = 'New'
Bug #17951: EKYC Portal - Demographic Session - Display Error
Bug #17954: EKYC Portal - Different Session ID Display
Bug #17955: EKYC - Video Upload - bioStatus = 99
Bug #17973: EKYC SDK - Copywriting changes
Bug #18036: EKYC Portal - Configuration Screen
Bug #18132: EKYC Portal - Biometric Revalidate button still display.
Bug #18133: EKYC Portal - Web Video Uploading
Bug #18204: EKYC Portal - Biometric Session - Bio Status
Bug #18632: EKYC Portal - Missing items
Bug #18803: AIA Phase 2 - Quota Balance Indicator
Bug #18910: EKYC Portal - Status Display - New scenario Added
Bug #21130: [BCR907][RIB][Transfer Bank in Brunei] Unexpected Response in Maintain Favourite Beneficiary
Bug #21131: [BCR907][RIB][Transfer Outside Brunei (T/T)] Internal server error in Maintain Favourite Beneficiary
Bug #21132: [BCR907][RIB][Transfer Outside Brunei (T/T)] Missing Address 3 and Country field missing at Input screen
Bug #21133: [AP11015][MP][Merchant Portal Login] Same issue encountered which is file not closed properly
Bug #21138: [BCR907]Android- wording error message change
Bug #21159: [Android] TT - Purpose of payment - allow ()/ special character
Bug #21160: [iOS] TT - Purpose of payment - allow ()/ special character
Bug #12327: [Top Up Imagine] CC Card Text Format
Bug #12328: [Top Up Imagine] CC Still Missing For Certain User
Bug #12330: [iOS] Transfer 3rd Party 'Transfer from acc' field is empty [PJ061-13]
Feature #12871: [iOS] App submission requirement changing from 31 Jan 2022
Bug #12872: [Android][AP 14798] To Account Empty No FE Checking
Change Request #15192: [iOS][BCR1073] BIBDS E-Statement
Change Request #15193: [Android][BCR1073] BIBDS E-Statement
Change Request #15195: [MIB BE][BCR1073] BIBDS E-Statement
Change Request #15196: [IBNS][BCR 1073] BIBD E-Statement
Bug #15431: [IOS][BCR1073]Account Number & Portfolio selector not in bold
Bug #15447: [BE][BCR1073]BIBD E-Statement still show list terminate portofolio ID
Bug #16991: [MIB BE][AP-21597] Deduction During Confirm / Cant proceed transaction
Bug #16992: [Android][AP-21597] Double Deduction During Confirm
Bug #16999: [Android] Version number displayed not updated
Clarification #17682: [BCR1098][iOS][Top Up Imagine] Prompt different error (BAU ISSUE)
Bug #18226: [BCR1093]Android][3rd Party Transfer/TT Fav/Interbank] Unable to copy OTP
Bug #18411: [BCR1093][iOS][3rd Party Transfer] Able to reset message by clicked enter
Bug #16935: [IOS][BCR1022] Incorrect positioning for Credit Card Status
Bug #17021: [Android][BCR1022] Background colour of success screen for Credit Card Activation and Change PIN is incorrect
Bug #16593: [PA-4][Android] Lack of Screen Caching Prevention
Bug #16594: [PA-4][iOS] Lack of Screen Caching Prevention
Bug #17143: [AP 22043] BusinessDate = 0
Bug #13063: [Showroom App ] Cannot proceed after clicking on the Send Code page
Bug #18000: [ANDROID][PPC][UAT][Andorid][UI-UX][Holding Dashboard Screen UI Issue] Detail ###14132
Bug #19744: [Android][SIT][Cetak Emas] Incorrect EN wording in How to Pick Up gold screen and font color in dark mode
Bug #19752: [iOS][SIT][Cetak Emas] Incorrect copywriting in acknowledgement screen
Bug #19753: [iOS and Android][SIT][Cetak Emas] Incorrect data sequence and data displayed in Invoice detail Screen
Bug #19763: [iOS & Android][SIT][Cetak Emas] No app push notification on transaction status update
Bug #19802: [iOS][SIT][Ambil Fisik] Incorrect ID header in select source of fund screen
Bug #19811: [Android][SIT][Cetak Emas] Incorrect UI for detail transaction with status Diterima screen
Bug #19826: [Android][SIT][Cetak Emas] Share button in invoice detail screen not working
Bug #19876: [Android][SIT][NPK] The refferal field UI in Buy, Recurring, and Registration
Bug #19878: [Android][SIT][NPK] Incorrect error message UI when input less than 5 digit
Bug #19879: [Android][SIT][NPK] Able to continue transaction when input less than 5 digit NPK code
Bug #19880: [Android][SIT][NPK] No checklist in the refferal field UI when correctly input 5 digit number
Bug #19885: [Android][SIT][Cetak Emas] Copywriting issue for android
Bug #19886: [iOS][SIT][Cetak Emas] Copywriting issue for iOS
Bug #19887: [Android][SIT][Cetak Emas] COT pop up message not appear
Bug #20049: [iOS][UAT][NPK Emas] Referral Code Font & Chevron Icon Issue
Bug #20050: [iOS][UAT][Ambil Fisik Emas] Error Message Placement
Bug #20051: [iOS][UAT][Ambil Fisik Emas] Error Message Placement in TnC
Bug #20052: [iOS][UAT][Ambil Fisik Emas] Font Issues in Transaction Details
Bug #20053: [iOS][UAT][Ambil Fisik Emas] Button in Tnc Screen Issue
Bug #13929: [iOS] Trx history statement date 00000000
Bug #13939: ANDROID - NTB - SACC flow - click Apply Kartu Kredit
Bug #13940: ANDROID - CCSA - back button not functioning
Bug #13943: ANDROID - CCSA - retrieveproductinfo
Bug #13944: ANDROID - Upload Payslip screen
Bug #13945: ANDROID - Upload payslip screen
Bug #13946: ANDROID - Upload payslip screen - app crash upload 3 document
Bug #13947: ANDROID - Informasi Pekerjaan screen - copywriting
Bug #13948: ANDROID - CCSA flow - after upload document
Bug #13949: ANDROID - CCSA - informasi pekerjaan screen
Bug #13950: IOS - SACC flow - hit OK after input phone number
Bug #13951: IOS - CCSA - retrieveproductinfo
Bug #13960: IOS - DD - Add manual acknowledgement screen - missing notes
Bug #13972: Android - Retrieve product info screen - missing CardNAME
Bug #13973: IOS - savemasterrefvalidatephone not passing the kodeproduk
Bug #13974: ANDROID - Pengajuan kartu kredit screen - missing header
Bug #13975: ANDROID - camera permission
Bug #13976: ANDROID - Upload document - file size
Bug #13977: IOS - Upload document screen - file size
Bug #13978: Android - Retrieve product info screen - card display showing have shadow
Bug #13982: ANDROID - pekerjaan - Field length and keyboard
Bug #13992: ANDROID - CCSA - tnc screen
Bug #14001: [iOS] cc information not populated accordingly when card is shuffled
Bug #14005: [Android] Back button and logout not functioning
Bug #14013: ANDROID - SACC - click lanjut at the product info screen app crash
Bug #14015: ANDROID - SACC - missing kode pos
Bug #14016: ANDROID - SACC - iNFORMASI TAMBAHAN screen - Lama menempati tempat tinggal length
Bug #14017: ANDROID - SACC - app crash when select autodebit field
Bug #14018: ANDROID - SACC - app crash at the pekerjaan info screen
Bug #14032: ANDROID - SACC - TNC Screen - not able to click link at the checkbox
Bug #14035: [Android ] Card status checking
Bug #14036: ANDROID - Digital Signature
Bug #14041: [iOS] Copywriting cc management
Bug #14045: ANDROID - SACC - Button Apply kartu Kredit
Bug #14046: [iOS][VCC][CARD MGMT] caller update for card replacement...selesai navigation...
Bug #14049: ANDROID - Digital Signature caller
Bug #14054: ANDROID - - Saving acknowledgement screen success - add new box
Bug #14059: ANDROID - CCSA - Keyboard
Bug #14062: Backend - submit LOS API
Bug #14066: IOS - SACC - AUTODEBET - Unable to choose rekening autodebet
Bug #14072: ANDROID - Upload document - compress the size
Bug #14073: Backend - new ms - atuodebet
Bug #14074: IOS - cardName - updatecache
Bug #14075: ANDROID - cardname - updatecache
Bug #14076: ANDROID - updatecache - missing param
Bug #14091: iOS[VCC][CARD MANAGEMENT] Copywriting style guide ###7574
Bug #14094: ANDROID - SACC - X button navigation
Bug #14095: IOS - SACC - X button not functioning
Bug #14107: iOS[VCC][CARD MANAGEMENT] Copywriting for lost confirmation screen ###7575
Bug #14108: Backend - updatecache SUBMITTED
Bug #14109: IOS - NTB - TYPO
Bug #14110: IOS - Upload document - add new image button
Bug #14111: iOS[VCC][CARD MANAGEMENT][LOST CARD REPLACEMENT] Copywriting for lost confirmation screen ###7587
Bug #14123: BE[VCC][CARD MANAGEMENT][REPLACE LOST CARD]Email will be required to be send to customer ###7579
Bug #14124: ANDROID - product info screen
Bug #14145: iOS[VCC][CARD MANAGEMENT][VIEW CVV & COPY CC] To also check for block code ###7642
Bug #14151: ETB CC - copywriting
Bug #14152: ETB CC - length duration of living in the residence
Bug #14153: ETB CC - autodebet
Bug #14154: ETB CC - not calling submitApplication after tac screen
Bug #14155: [ANDROID - ETB CC - Upload document caller
Bug #14156: ANDROID - openETB caller - app crash
Bug #14157: ANDROID - Upload Document screen - text at bottom screen
Bug #14162: IOS - Learn more screen - unable to collapse the tab
Bug #14164: ANDROID - app crash when choose autodebet
Bug #14165: ANDROID - retrieveLearnMore
Bug #14166: ANDROID - loading is stop temporary
Bug #14167: ANDROID - TNC screen - not check the checkbox
Bug #14171: IOS - limit not populate from cache
Bug #14172: iOS[VCC][CARD MANAGEMENT][CARDINFO] Handling of cardStatus regardless of blockcode
Bug #14345: IOS - Income document camera missing X button to close the camera
Bug #14363: [BACKEND] error los shouldnot clear cache
Bug #14364: Android - CCSA flow - Data Domisili screen
Bug #14365: IOS - CCSA flow - add notes at the bottom Domisili screen
Bug #14392: ANDROID - CCSA flow issue - wrong navigation
Bug #14393: Android - NTB - Upload document screen keep hitting service unavailable
Bug #14394: Android - CCSA flow- not passing email and phonenumber to backend when call update cache
Bug #14414: ANDROID - ETB - Confirmation screen -Hubungan Dengan Kontak Darurat should display as value not code
Bug #14415: ANDROID - digital signature - inquiryregstatus - dob value
Bug #14416: IOS - Supplementary card - copywriting
Bug #14417: ANDROID - supplemenatary card - copywriting
Bug #14418: ANDROID - supplementary card - limit field
Bug #14421: ANDROID - ETB - Jumlah Tanggungan Pemohon Kartu Kredit dropdown title
Bug #14422: Backend - NCC type - getxcashbannerflagv2
Bug #14423: ANDROID - Hubungan dengan kontak darurat still using english even use indon language
Bug #14630: BE - ETB - Remove email from request CC #8548
Bug #14685: BE- Add 'space' character to be allowed for the fields as mentioned #8587
Bug #14795: BE- NTB + ETB- The inbox notification for successfull CC application after approved is different from wireframe #8742
Bug #15494: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] To remove (i) from the Credit Card info screen ###9370
Bug #15496: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Need to use correct acknowledgement screen WF ###9371
Bug #15498: iOS[VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] To add in TAC screen for both reset PIN Flow ###9393
Bug #15499: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Update on the Copywriting as given below ###9372
Bug #15501: iOS[VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Update on the Copywriting on Acknowledgement Screen ###9394
Bug #15502: iOS[VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Update of Copywriting ###9395
Bug #15509: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Input screen Error CW ###9377
Bug #15515: iOS [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Input screen Error CW ###9402
Bug #15521: ANDROID[VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Input screen Error CW ###9401
Bug #15526: iOS[VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Update on the footer note Copywriting on Input Screen ###9396
Bug #15547: iOS [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Acknowledgement Screen CW ###9394
Bug #15548: iOS [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Acknowledgement Screen CW FAILED Reset PIN scenario ###9400
Bug #15553: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Update on the Copywriting as given below ###9377
Bug #15570: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Unable to return to Card Screen after got "Gagal memuat" in card management #9480
Bug #15578: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Input Field animation #9477
Bug #15612: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Failed acknowledgement screen #9401
Bug #15613: iOS [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Input screen footer should not be scrollable ###9507
Bug #15640: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][RESET PIN] Other card status changes to "Aktifkan" again after refresh the dashboard when finish doing reset pin #9516
Bug #15716: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][CARD ACTIVATION] CW not entirely implemented #9391 #9719
Bug #15717: Android [VCC] [CARD MGMT][CARD ACTIVATION] CW not entirely implemented #9618
Bug #15719: iOS[VCC] [CARD MGMT][CARD ACTIVATION] CW issue #9616
Bug #15720: iOS[VCC] [CARD MGMT][CARD ACTIVATION] CW issue #9614
Bug #15738: [Android] NTB - Informasi Pekerjaan screen
Bug #15739: [Android] NTB - Informasi Pekerjaan screen if select Yes on owncard
Bug #15756: [Android] ETB - Confirmation screen
Bug #15821: [New QRPay][IOS][AND] Tip Not reduce available credit #9919
Bug #15828: [ANDROID] NTB CCSA - not input Bagian field not hitting error
Bug #15829: [ANDROID] NTB - not input status perkahwinan and tingkat pendidikan app crash
Bug #15879: [ANDROID] Digital Signature - failed by backend but navigate to success screen
Bug #15880: [Android] NTB - CCSA flow - stop at info pekerjaan screen and continue - app crash
Bug #15881: [Android] NTB - CCSA flow - if get stage 5 or 6 should navigate back to Informasi Tambahan screen
Bug #15887: [BE] QR Pay Transaction with Tip
Bug #15893: [Android] NTB change icon - use black icon
Bug #16028: [Android] Supplement card - hubungan dropdown list having number
Bug #16029: [Android] Supplement Card - Wording Profession update to Occupation
Bug #16030: [Android] Supplement card - update button OK to DONE
Bug #16031: [Android] Supplement card - Tanggal Lahir and Hubungan field name missing
Bug #16032: [Android] Supplement Card - referral screen having 2 line
Bug #16035: [Android] ETB - Product Info screen copywriting
Bug #16036: [Android] ETB/NTB - Product info having additional description not return by backend
Bug #16037: [Android] ETB/NTB/Supplement - Referral code screen
Bug #17159: iOS [Digital Signature] NTB SACC- It navigates to wrong screen when click back button at digital signature screen
Bug #17160: iOS [Digital Signature] NTB CCSA- It navigates to wrong screen when click back button at digital signature screen
Bug #17543: VCC + DGS Pentest
Bug #17864: iOS [Credit Card Riwayat Transaksi] Please help to adjust the font style "Filter" ###13952
Bug #18636: Android [TREATS] Please amend the copywriting ###7629
Bug #18637: iOS [TREATS] Please amend the copywriting ###7629
Feature #18546: [BE][Customer Portofolio]Create service to get availability
Feature #18569: [BE][Customer Portfolio]Create service to download Customer Portfolio
Feature #18783: [BE][Bulk Payee List]Create SP Bulk Insert Upload
Feature #18786: [BE][Bulk Payee List]Create SP Bulk Insert Header
Feature #18787: [BE][Bulk Payee List]Create SP Bulk Validate Details
Feature #18788: [BE][Bulk Payee List]Create SP Bulk Insert Details
Feature #18789: [BE][Bulk Payee List]Create SP Bulk Insert Error
Feature #18790: [BE][Bulk Payee List]Create SP Delete
Feature #18834: [FE][Bulk Payee List]Create Page Upload Bulk Payee List
Feature #18835: [FE][Bulk Payee List]Create Validation Upload
Feature #18836: [FE][Bulk Payee List]Create Upload Confirmation Page
Feature #18853: [BE][Bulk Payee List]Create API Create-Upload
Feature #7185: Public and Private Page Handing
Feature #7186: Keeping the User from Losing Data by Leaving the Page Before Submit
Feature #7187: Browser Back Security Handing
Feature #7195: Upgrade to Angular 9
Feature #7197: Access Control List
Feature #7198: Admin - Dynamic Menu
Feature #7229: Browser Supports - IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera Mini, Android Browser and mobile compatibility
Feature #7278: Support Multi Language
Feature #7279: Manage to build as a war file
Feature #7367: Add in the Reactive Form Validation
Feature #7411: Integrate with current GE/GG authentication
Feature #7412: Encryption when data store in local storage
Feature #7413: 404 handling if url does not exist
Feature #7438: Image Lazy Loading
Feature #7481: Unique ID for browser
Feature #8909: Reset Password Screen
Feature #9216: Ant Desgin
Feature #9642: Session Timeout Do Nothing
Feature #10146: Dirty check on the screen modified
Feature #10178: Access Denied Page
Feature #10296: Data table in mobile view
Feature #10297: PWA Need to be ready
Feature #10342: Static Page Generator - Scully
Feature #10365: Public Home Page
Feature #11429: Details Form standard handling follow existing SD
Feature #11430: Search page standard handling
Feature #11431: Details Form standard handling multiple page follow existing SD
Feature #11450: top header menu
Feature #11458: Side/left Menu overlay to avoid content re-size
Bug #11676: Add System Policy > Internal Error
Enhancement #19397: [NEWSS 1.0] [Maintenance Assessment & Analysis (Report)]
Enhancement #19398: [NEWSS 1.0] [Maintenance Fine Tuning (Report)]
Feature #19890: BEFE - retrieve mleb system base on the user for ACL top nav bar
Bug #19921: FE - React - Remove alert
Bug #19926: BE - Org Profile - No filter for Registration Number (regNumber)
Feature #18606: Integration
Feature #18610: Alert Messaging > Mobile Push Notification Setting
Feature #18621: FE - React - Tree View for module User Role
Feature #18611: Alert Messaging > Message Template
Feature #18687: Alert Messaging > Message Template > Template Type
Feature #18802: Question Bank
Bug #19042: IAM > Organisation
Bug #19045: IAM > MLEB system
Feature #19989: User Role assign enhancement
Feature #19054: survey form
Bug #19075: FE - React - Rerender the children after language changed
Feature #19105: FE&BE File upload handling
Feature #19121: Job Scheduler
Feature #19142: FE - React - Add to list handling
Feature #19203: FE - React - UserRole - Separate tab user profile
Feature #19303: FE - React - Session expired show session timeout page/message
Feature #19554: FE - React - Lazy load on tab
Feature #19659: FE - React - Create share react project to share across with other project
Feature #19663: FE - React - Deploy into Docker environment and able to browse
Feature #19674: FE - React - Environment handling
Bug #19681: FE - React - topNavBar click menu refresh whole page
Bug #19726: FE - React - Message Template - Cannot fill the Template Type form
Bug #19727: FE - React - Message Template - Got error when call SearchAction WS
Bug #19728: FE - React - Message Template - The reset button are not working
Bug #19739: FE - React - MLEB System - User profile tab, table cannot be display
Bug #19750: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Missing Modify button
Bug #19751: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Bug for "Email Connection Description" form
Bug #19755: FE - React - Message Template - No validation for mandatory form
Bug #19756: FE - React - User Profile,Organisation Profile,Business constitution, Mleb System, Mleb Function - Alert message are remain after Modify and back with breadcrumb
Bug #19757: FE - React - Organisation profile ,User Role , Message Template - Got error when search the search criteria form
Bug #19781: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Error when click table heading
Bug #19789: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - The status are missing after back from form page
Bug #19792: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Got error for calling ws if click "next" pagination
Bug #19810: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Wording error for "server"
Bug #19816: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Template,Email Parameter Setting User Role - Add function navigation issue
Bug #19824: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Category - Got double confirmation popup after click save
Bug #19832: FE - React - User Profile/ organisation profile - Difference date layout
Bug #19835: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error 500 when add new data
Bug #19836: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error after modify
Bug #19838: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Issue on wording are not translate
Bug #19849: FE - React - Organisation Profile - No validation for email
Bug #19851: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Got error when change the language
Bug #19889: FE - React - User Profile - got error when add new data
Bug #19897: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile, User Category , Message Template,Email Parameter Setting User Role - Breadcrumb for add page issue
Bug #19899: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - numeric validation error not handled
Bug #19944: FE - React - Organisation Profile, User Profile User Category , Message Template,Email Parameter Setting User Role - Pagination not update issue
Bug #19945: FE - React - User Category - Missing validation for status
Feature #19954: ACL Function and System
Bug #19955: User Role dataEntryForm returning error
Bug #19961: FE - React - User Profile - Error for identification number
Bug #19966: FE - React - User Role - Bug for MLEB System and User Role form
Bug #19983: FE - React - Email Parameter Setting - Duplicate when fill the password form
Bug #19984: FE - React - Security Policy - Not handling the error message
Bug #19985: FE - React - Change file structure for Docker
Bug #19988: User Role - Create and Modify services error
Bug #19996: FE - React - User Category , User profile . Email Parameter Setting - Need to prone validation error first before confirmation to save
Bug #20003: FE - React - User profile -Got error when click search button
Bug #20004: User Role search results not returning orgId field
Bug #20005: Empty String not equal to Null - create user profile
Bug #20025: FE - React - Mleb system / Mleb function - Issue when modify the form it will add new data
Bug #20036: FE - React - User Role - Issue when modify the form it will add new data
Bug #20037: FE - React - User Profile - Got error 500 when add new data
Bug #20038: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Missing Organisation form at accodian
Bug #20054: FE - React - TopNavBar - Parent menu still show when no child menu
Bug #20080: FE - React - No grant mleb system but allow access
Bug #20081: FE - React - Organisation Profile - Alert message are remain at the form page after Add/Save
Bug #20151: User Role Function - checked function code did not display properly
Bug #20161: Naming errors in Ws code
Support #12439: [Backend] [App Version] To create new version for production deployment 21/10/2021
Support #12716: [Backend] [App Version] To create new version for production deployment 12/11/2021
Support #12920: [Backend] [App Version] To create new version for production deployment 17/12/2021
Support #13087: [Backend] [App Version] To create new version for production deployment 11/02/2022
Bug #13365: [Backend] [App Version] To create new version for production deployment 16/03/2022
Bug #19225: QC1325 - temporary hide appli 1 & 3
Bug #12420: [Android] [Transaction Summary] QC1254
Bug #12421: [Android] [ONFX] In Confirmation page hit error, need to back to destination screen QC1219
Bug #12422: [iOS] [Manage Recurring] Execute time batch issue
Bug #12423: [Android] [Manage Recurring] Execution Time Batch issue
Bug #12443: iOS - Loan Summary - incorrect Additional Label
Bug #12490: iOS - Payment & Purchase - E-Wallet - Crash issue
Bug #11997: iOS - QC1215 – Transaction Notification Setup – Subheader Copywriting issue
Bug #11998: Android - QC1215 – Transaction Notification Setup - Confirmation Screen – Copywriting issue
Bug #12057: iOS – QC1221 Registration Check : Copywriting Issues.
Bug #12058: iOS – QC1223 – Registration Check - Copywriting Issues.
Bug #12059: BE - QC1220 - Registration Check : Error Code Omni Mapping
Bug #12060: Android - QC1222 - Registration Check : Error MCB9997
Bug #12064: Android - QC1224 - Registration Check : Unable to proceed to the next screen
Bug #12065: iOS - QC1225 - Registration Check : Signer Document blanks
Bug #12066: Android - QC1226 - Registration Check : Complete Data Signer
Bug #12068: BE - QC1224 - Checking Condition for allow_ack
Bug #12069: BE - QC1227 - Registration Check: Validation checking for allow_cancel (when there is no input of revision #)
Bug #12073: iOS – QC1227 – Registration Check – Pending Revision Inputter screen display
Bug #12082: iOS – QC1228 – Registration Check – Pending Revision Signer Screen
Bug #12135: Android – QC1219 - PROD – Fundtransfer ONFX Notice error
Bug #12136: iOS – QC1219 - PROD – Fundtransfer ONFX Notice error
Bug #12158: Android - Registration Check - Mask & Unmask data checking
Bug #12159: iOS - Registration Check - Mask & Unmask data checking
Bug #12160: Android - QC1230 - Registration Check - CAPTCHA on data input screen
Bug #12161: iOS - QC1230 - Registration Check - CAPTCHA on data input screen
Bug #12171: Android - Registration Check - New Parameter need to be added
Bug #12170: iOS - Registration Check - New Parameter need to be added
Bug #12183: iOS - QC1224 - Registration Check - No Server Error
Bug #12180: Android - QC1227 - Registration Check - Force close
Bug #12199: iOS - Registration Check - Adjustment Needed On KTP & NPWP Parameter
Bug #12067: iOS - QC1226 - Registration Check : Complete Data Signer
Bug #12214: iOS – QC1232 – Registration Check – Signer – Pending Revision – EDIT SCREEN
Bug #12216: iOS - QC1220 - Registration Check - Error Code - Title & Description
Bug #12217: Android - QC1220 - Registration Check - Error popup title & description
Bug #12218: Android - QC1232 - Registration Check - Signer Pending Revision - Should display EDIT screen
Bug #12224: iOS - Registration Check - KTP & NPWP Naming for uploaded images
Bug #12225: Android - Registration Check - KTP & NPWP Naming for uploaded images
Bug #12230: iOS - Registration Check - Calling RetrrieveInputterSignerData for Signer
Bug #12231: Android - Registration Check - Calling RetrrieveInputterSignerData for Signer
Bug #12258: iOS - QC1236 - My Account - Unit Trust & Bonds - Unable to download & forced close
Bug #12259: iOS – QC1237 – Registration – Unable to submit acknowledgement
Bug #12260: Android – QC1237 – Registration – Unable to submit acknowledgement
Bug #12261: Android - QC1238 - Registration – Inputter – Need Revision – View Signer Details screen & EDIT screen
Bug #12265: iOS - QC1239 – Registration – Inputter - NEED Revision – EDIT screen
Bug #12266: Android - QC1239 – Registration – Inputter - NEED Revision – EDIT screen
Bug #12280: BE – QC1240 – Inputter – ADD New Signer - Validation checking to avoid duplicate signer
Bug #12281: iOS – QC1240 – Inputter – ADD New Signer
Bug #12282: Android – QC1240 – Inputter – ADD New Signer
Bug #12283: Android – QC1241 – Inputter – Signer Detail screen
Bug #12284: Android – QC1242 – Inputter – Signer Detail screen
Bug #12303: iOS Registration Check Issue
Bug #12304: Android Registration Check Issue
Bug #12305: Anroid - Registration Check - KtpNpwp - Copywriting
Bug #12306: iOS - Registration Check - KtpNpwp - Copywriting
Bug #12310: iOS - Registration Check - Spelling for Cancelled status
Bug #12315: iOS - Registration Check - Inputter - Pending Revision with Input
Bug #12316: iOS - Registration Check - Signer - Unable to see file name
Bug #12320: iOS - 1245 - LogIn Screen - Adjustment needed
Bug #12324: iOS - Registration Check - Cancel Registration Popup & Acknowledgement Are Missing
Bug #12326: Android - Registration Check - Cancel Registration - Crash Issue
Bug #12345: BE – Trx Notif Setup – Product Description changes
Bug #12348: iOS - Registration Check - Sequence parameter needed for Acknowledgement Submission
Bug #12349: Android - Registration Check - Sequence parameter needed for Acknowledgement Submission
Bug #12350: BE - Registration Check - Sequence parameter needed for Acknowledgement Submission
Bug #12352: iOS - Registration Check - Qc1244 - Cancellation Screen
Bug #12358: iOS - QC1248 - Registration Check Screen – Wrong copywriting in ID language
Bug #12359: Android - QC1248 - Registration Check Screen – Wrong copywriting in ID language
Bug #12360: Android – QC1249 – Copywriting ID in Add New Signer Screen
Bug #12361: iOS – QC1249 – Copywriting ID in Add New Signer Screen
Bug #12362: Android - QC1234 - Trx Session Time - Execute Time Batch Field Validation
Bug #12363: iOS - Registration Check - Signer - Pending Revision - Copywriting
Bug #12365: iOS - Registration Check - Signer - Pending Acknowledgement - Copywriting
Bug #12367: Android - Registration Check - Signer - Pending Acknowledgement - Copywriting
Bug #12369: Android - QC1243 - Registration Check - Sign Indicator Display
Bug #12370: iOS - QC1243 - Registration Check - Sign Indicator Display
Bug #12372: Android - Registration Check - Unsuccess Acknowledgement Submission
Bug #12440: iOS - Announcement - Content color needs to be adjusted
Bug #12655: iOS - Registration Check - Sign Indicator Update
Bug #12656: Android - Registration Check - Sign Indicator Update
Bug #12658: iOS - Registration Check - Unable to submit acknowledgement
Bug #12703: BE - Fund Transfer & Transaction Summary- Additional_info
Bug #12704: iOS - Fund Transfer & Transaction Summary- Additional_info
Bug #12705: Android - Fund Transfer & Transaction Summary- Additional_info
Bug #12715: BE - Fund Transfer - Additional Remark
Bug #12773: BE - Registration Check - Sign_Status updates from Omni
Bug #12776: Android - Registration Check - Sign_Status
Bug #12778: iOS - Registration Check - Sign_Status
Bug #12875: Android - CR - QC1259 - SWIFT GPI Outbound
Bug #12876: iOS - CR - QC1259 - SWIFT GPI Outbound
Bug #12877: BE - CR - QC1259 - SWIFT GPI Outbound
Bug #12896: iOS - QC1259 - SWIFT GPI Outbound Issues
Bug #12897: Android - QC1259 - SWIFT GPI Outbound Issues
Bug #12905: iOS - QC1260 - SWIFT GPI Outstanding Tracking
Bug #12921: iOS - QC1262 - Single Dash Only
Bug #12922: Android - QC1262 - Single dash only.
Bug #13025: iOS - QC1264 - Update Device Alias
Bug #13024: Android - QC1264 - Update Device Alias
Bug #13026: BE - QC1264 - Update Device Alias
Bug #13089: BE - Device Unbinding from Back Office
Bug #13090: Android - QC1266 - Payment & Purchase New Biller - Education
Bug #13091: iOS - QC1266 - Payment & Purchase New Biller - Education
Bug #13092: BE - QC1266 - Payment & Purchase New Biller - Education
Bug #13094: iOS - QC1263 - Unable to click on transaction menu.
Bug #13116: Android - QC1267 - Landing Page - Organization Name is not updating.
Bug #13117: BE - QC1265 - Fund Transfer - BI-FAST
Bug #13118: iOS - QC1265 - Fund Transfer - BI-FAST
Bug #13119: Android - QC1265 - Fund Transfer - BI-FAST
Bug #13227: iOS - QC1277 - Mapping issue
Bug #13228: iOS - Incorrect Display of Purpose of Transaction
Bug #13229: Android - BIFAST - PopUp verification Display needed
Bug #13257: BE - Prod - OrgName in the landing page is not updating
Bug #13258: Android - QC1269 - BIFAST - Typo in Copywriting
Bug #13259: iOS - QC1273 - BIFAST - New Bene Input screen - Copywriting Typo
Bug #13260: Android - QC1281 - BIFAST - Trx Summary - Blank Info in "View Receipt"
Bug #13261: Android - QC1279 - BIFAST - Trx Suammry - Manual & Non Bulk - CANCEL icon is missing
Bug #13262: iOS - QC1280 - BIFAST - Trx Summary - Manual - Filtering - Unable to select date range in the past.
Bug #13287: iOS - QC1269 - Transaction - Domestic - BI-FAST - Typo in Copywriting for ID language
Bug #13288: Android - QC1282 - BIFAST - New Beneficiary Copywriting in ID language
Bug #13289: iOS - QC1282 - BIFAST - New Beneficiary Copywriting in ID language
Bug #13290: BE - BIFAST - needs to cater 2 sets of error description
Bug #13291: Android - QC1284 - BIFAST - Add new Beneficiary error WSS_00004
Bug #13292: Android - QC1285 - BIFAST - Manage Saved Beneficiary - Transaction Type Blank
Bug #13293: Android - QC1286 - BIFAST - Trx Summary - Download Receipt BIFAST
Bug #13353: iOS - QC1287 - BIFAST - Field Customer Ref No – Numeric Only
Bug #13354: Android - QC1287 - BIFAST - Field Customer Ref No – Numeric Only
Bug #13355: iOS -QC1289 - BIFAST - Copywriting layout adjustment
Bug #13356: Android -QC1289 - BIFAST - Copywriting layout adjustment
Bug #13357: iOS - QC1290 - BIFAST - Mapping needed for confirmation, acknowledgement & view receipt screen
Bug #13358: Android - QC1290 - BIFAST - Mapping needed for confirmation, acknowledgement & view receipt screen
Bug #13390: Android - QC1291 - PROD - Android Crash when launching app
Bug #13394: Android - Transfer bug fixes needed - [Online], [RTGS], [LLG] & [Bifast]
Bug #13399: iOS - QC1292 - Prod - Default Date is not current date
Bug #13420: iOS - QC1293 – Manage Saved Beneficiary - Domestic - BiFast - WS adjustment
Bug #13421: Android - QC1293 – Manage Saved Beneficiary - Domestic - BiFast - WS adjustment
Bug #13472: [Backend] [App Version] To create new version for production deployment 08/04/2022
Bug #13480: [Backend] [App Version] To create new version for production deployment 11/04/2022
Bug #13574: BE - QC1294 - Payment & Purchase - Internet Service Provider
Bug #13575: Android - QC1294 - Payment & Purchase - Internet Service Provider
Bug #13576: iOS - QC1294 - Payment & Purchase - Internet Service Provider
Bug #13577: BE - QC1295 - Block My User
ACSA HK Bill Payment SDK
BIBD 3.9.7 BIBDS Estatement
Resolved 0%
Resolved 0%
Progresif Pay 2.1
Resolved 100%
Resolved 100%
NEWSS 1.0 Maintenance
New 0%
New 0%
Resolved 100%
Resolved 100%
Assigned 100%
OCBC NISP Velocity Mobile
New 0%
Registration Check UAT
Resolved 100%
Resolved 100%
Resolved 100%
Resolved 100%
Resolved 100%
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